Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Wachi Rants: I am done talking about Election

WARNING: This rant will be quick and probably full of grammatical errors, but it is late and I don't care.

Ok Readers...OK I'm tired, and this is literally the last time I will say anything about it. Trump was created by the very people who are showing the most hate right now, those people once fighting for love and tolerance are being more hateful and intolerant than Trump ever was, and not just friends from the states but people here in Costa Rica too, How the hell can looking for a silver lining in this situation be equated to telling all women, lgbt, blacks, and latinos that we hate them? How does that make sense? If Hillary had won and people were upset by it would you be appreciative of them telling you and your hopeful attitude, that you were a criminal sympathizer? No, of course not, Trump won, he made a pretty neutral victory speech where he seemed to call out for unity in a very mature way, and all I see are protests and desires for assassination attempts and just more division caused by the PEOPLE rather than the man himself. Throughout the entire dang election period people and the media have been force-feeding Clinton down our throats, and that YOU HAVE TO VOTE, MAKE THE CHANGE, CHOOSE YOUR CANDIDATE, and guess what people did but because it wasn't who YOU wanted you are breaking down everyone and everything like a hateful toddler with a tantrum. I thought it was a bit scary and uncertain that Trump won, but now I think that for a different reason, not because of him, but because of what the sore losers are doing and saying. People are literally destroying friendships because someone voted 3rd party, are you kidding me? The people screeching RACIST to anyone who didn't vote for Obama are now angrily spreading fear and hate because Trump is #NotMyPresident. Maybe this win was good and necessary as it gives us all a good chance to really look at ourselves and what we have become, we created this man with this attitude we hold, whether we want to admit it or not. I was hoping people would give it a rest after the polls came in but no, if anything people have gotten louder and not in a constructive way. If you can't be a good person because who you wanted to win didn't, then you probably weren't all that good a person to begin with. I'm mad right now, seeing all this hate, this real hate. Lastly, and I have to say this because it irks me to no end that it is being thrown around, Trump winning does not mean your future little girl can never be president, are you kidding me!? Hillary didn't lose because she was a woman, she was corrupt, a repetitious liar, had multiple FBI cases open during the campaign period, if she was a man people would also be turned off. Women in the west can be anything these days, and you know it, don't pretend for a second that this was some sexist attack, not every difference in opinion is a racist, sexist, or homophobic attack. People will keep talking about the election I get it, it's the hot topic, but if this is how you take a loss, I'm scared to see how much more divisive we would be with a win, under the guise of tolerance.... smh #AngryRantDone

*Exhales* I feel fine now, anyone want to go out for pizza?

Listen, in the end Trump, Clinton, or anyone for that matter can't dictate the kinds of things I want to accomplish and the good I aspire to do with those in my life and community. Perhaps people would rather be doomsayers and think of the worst, but I rather keep my head up high in this burdensome and stressful situation. This world is evil, that's not a secret to anyone, but that doesn't mean we have to bend to be evil too. 

Much love,


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