Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wachi's Rants: That Tubman on that 20!

Good day readers, so I know I have been absent and I know my MS Paint Mondays have all but vanished from your weekly lives, but I promise you I will get back into the swing of things soon, life has simply been a bit hectic as of late. Anyhow, before I get back to the MS Paint and joys of the world, I have something else to rant about, and it's something that people are hollering about with big smiles and joy filled back-flips, I'm sure, but me, I don't see the point. Now what is this amazing phenomena that I am referring to? Well, it's the fact that Harriet Tubman is gonna be on that twenty dolla bill babeh!! 

That's right, Andrew Jackson is getting the boot and the vast majority on social media seems to be ecstatic by this fact! Oh, happy days, right?

Well, maybe, I mean normally I wouldn't care who is on currency, I mean Costa Rica has monkeys and deer on their currency along with political figureheads. But I love how the male representation who was decided to be replaced was one of the few presidents to stand against the federal reserve, famously saying things such as "The Bank is trying to kill me - but I will kill it!" and "If the American people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system - there would be a revolution before morning..." now to be fair Hamilton also was opposed to this idea, however, a lucky Broadway musical hit "saved" his removal lol.

Yay for the arts right? Haha anyways, I'm not bashing Harriet Tubman, in fact she is an amazing civil rights figure and one that should be praised for aiding all those slaves with the use of the underground railroad. But, why are we spending time and resources to "fix" this piece of paper currency?? Seriously, we are eliminating a man who called out the central banking system and he is being removed, out of sight out of mind right? Not only that but now these super awesome self-proclaimed progressives litter the streets and social media and they consider it a victory for diversity and women! Woo-hoo! Except, not really... Let's be honest, who here feels more important and validated in their society simply because of the race and gender of the person printed on their currency? Anyone?

I mean, if it's about getting a woman on American currency, this isn't the first time one has been, a simple look back in history would show that there were once a Susan B Anthony dollar coin, but it died out, and I'm sorry for that, but did that coin change anyone's life or outlook on themselves and each other? Not really, well at least I have never heard of anyone changing entire belief systems simply due to a coin. 

My point is, demanding diversity is one thing, but how will this diversity help all those who are suffering? The bank is still getting their way as it was back then, being PC won't solve this, no matter how much many like to pretend it will. But whatever, "nice" work America.

(Also isn't it kind of racist that they announced this on 4/20, for a black person to be on the 20 dollar bill, you know them being stereotyped as marijuana dealers so often, also she was the 5th born, that said 4 siblings before her... 4 and 20... smh, maybe I'm just looking too deep into this lol)

All in all, thanks again for making it to the end of my word vomit, I appreciate it. Now go back to the bill Mr. Jackson! TO THE BACK!! #ReverseRosaParksLyfe

Much Love,

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