Friday, March 25, 2016

Wachi's Nonsense: Hearthstone Addiction

EVERYBODY GET IN HEEEREEEE!!! Good Morning readers and happy Friday, today I wanted to talk about my newest gaming addiction, since I honestly haven't had one for a while (ignoring Super Smash Bros Wii U which was inevitable), anyhow it all started one summer day (it's summer here in Costa Rica) I was looking for a card game on my phone to entertain me aside from Solitaire, as despite not being too into card games, on a mobile device I admire the simple yet challenging distractions they provide. Now while on the google play store Hearthstone caught my eye immediately with the "Easy to play, hard to master" slogan on the app's page. I downloaded it out of curiosity and was sucked in. 

I found myself playing every free moment I had, and ranking up and out, and I fell for its addictive trap, a trap so vile it can plague us all without even realizing its bite, I am of course talking about micro-transactions, I needed more cards, more adventures, more everything, before I knew it I was reaching $100 in pure micro transactions, and I had to stop myself, I am now free from them, as I have noticed my blunder, but the temptation is always looming above. Now, I play the game with what I got and enjoy myself quite a bit playing various classes.

The point of the game is to defeat the other player by lowering their health to zero with a collection of minions and spells. Here's the catch though, each minion/spell has a certain mana cost and your mana increases by only 1 per turn, so you have to really balance your cards in terms of not only strength and usages but value as well. Not only that, but of the 400+ cards currently in circulation, your decks can only be made up of 30, so choosing wisely is a must. Now there are 9 classes to choose from, all with their own specific hero power and class specific cards, all of which have different play styles and tactics, so it's always interesting to see what fun decks you can build to meet your play style, which is what I did.

I currently play Rogue, as 1. it's my preferred class in just about every RPG ever made, and 2. the class favors the use of pirate cards, and I am a sucker for all things pirates, the adventures, the lore, the One Piece lol. Anyhow, the current game's meta doesn't really have a truly phenomenal pirate synergy, but even so I have a lot of fun with this deck and it is my favorite deck to use as I built it myself, however it isn't perfect, and you will quickly find yourself getting to rank 17 with your awesome Pirate Rogue only to find that everyone you face has fully "sinergized" championship level decks they got from pros on Reddit, and that my friends is the only "flaw" to this game, you will reach a point where you will need to find some pre-constructed wonder deck that will keep you afloat and that you also find fun to play, because even though it's fun to win, it's more fun to win with your own deck, so that's just a balance one will need to make.

For those who do play and would like the list of my current deck (and if you are really good at the game scoff at it lol) here it is;

Backstab x2
Deadly Poison x2
Buccaneer x2
Southsea Deckhand 
Blade Furry
Eviscerate x2
Ship's Cannon x2
Beneath the Grounds
Shady Dealer
SI:7 Agent x2
Southsea Captain x2
Tinker's Sharpsword Oil
Ancient Brewmaster
Dread Corsair x2
Assassin's Blade
Azure Drake
Bomb Lobber
Captain Greenskin
Dr. Boom

Skycap'n Kragg


Now that that is out of the way, this game is not just about skill, strategy, and synergy, no, it's also about luck of the draw! That's right, luck, and this is where hearthstone can get frustrating, you can have a perfect, unbeatable plan, but if you don't draw a good starting hand and your opponent does, that delay could be the difference between a win or a loss, however, in the mid game you can also draw some beautiful combo possibilities that can make it all worthwhile. Just accept that sometimes luck's not on your side, blame it on a bad match up and move along....

For example this BS, where I have the whole freaking board full, and she only has 1 HP, but also has the Fireball spell dealing 6 damage to me and winning the match... Stupid mage, I call BAD MATCH UP! (Sodium levels rising)

And then same applies for a more positive outcome, where the salt is lovingly sprinkled over the wounds of your opponent, observe..

OH SNAP!!! Thank you lady luck for SkyCap'n Kragg and his CHARGE, I should not have won this one,but I did <3

Need another example? No? Well tough bananas, because I am super proud of this next one.

Yar har har, how does she feel Face Hunter trash?? Seriously screw Face Hunter players

*AHEM* Sorry, don't know what got into me, in conclusion, if you have more self control than I and enjoy pick up and play fantasy card games, I highly recommend this one, it is a bit of a pay to win type game, but if you can get a good starting deck going, every 30 wins you can get another card pack free, so if you are a more patient player your wallet will thank you. And with that my dear readers, I leave you, hope you are enjoying your easter week, and I hope you enjoy Hearthstone should you choose to get into it. (Here's hoping that the upcoming Whispers of the Old God's expansion brings more pirates)

Much Love, 

Never be afraid to be bananas

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