Monday, September 28, 2015

Wachi's Nonsense: Why the attack on Humor? (Everything is now offensive!?)

Evening my fellow humanz (with a z), hope you are all doing super great this week!!

I know I said I'd only do one Wachi's Nonsense this month, but to be honest I have noticed a growing trend of "over-victimization/sensitivity" rising up and in the wake of my bullying blog I thought I'd use this chance to, not necessarily rant, but express what I see in today's internet culture and how I think people's views can sometimes be more toxic than tolerant, regardless of how they may view it; now normally I would feel inclined to say that this is an opinion piece and blah blah blah, but to be honest I am tired of this and if people want to keep feeling attacked by every little thing well, go ahead ;)

So with that out of the way... Let's talk HUMOR!!!

So What Is Humor..?

Now this is a tough question, I mean there is an actual definition to humor, according to the dictionary humor means "the quality of being amusing or comic, especially as expressed in literature or speech." Now technically that is a correct definition, however just like there are different types of people I believe there are different assets or types of humor as well and I am not talking about types of humor such as dark, sarcastic, slapstick, etc; no, what I am referring to are the way we use humor in our lives; that is to say, what is it to us as a species?

When I think of humor, I think of it as an exercise of balance, a balance of wit and emotion to be able to construct a social statement that is not only understandable, but also relatable to the audience that they can not only get a laugh out of it but also a thought provoking "That's an interesting point", regardless of whether or not it's a good or completely ridiculous point it is more than just a punchline, I feel.

Now here is where humor gets interesting and perhaps a bit dark/personal, as I said humor is not only about laughing, it's about thinking too, whether you like it or not, not all humor is mindless, there's always a realism to it and this reflected realism can be used for many different things, such as;

- Superiority; like bullying, some humor is done to ridicule or laugh at others to whom the joker feels superior, and sure this is a common type of humor, but from what I can see a lot of people seem to think that this is all humor means, and I mean A LOT of people think this way, I am shocked by how many take every little joke or statement personally, but again this is just one aspect of humor, and just because it's there doesn't mean all humor should boil down to something snide and judgmental.

- Irony; this is a very bitter sweet aspect of humor, but also a favorite of mine, and it is self explanatory and goes well with how a joke is set up in itself; think about it, a joke consists of two parts, a set up and a punch line, now just like with the irony of life, in humor the set up will lead the listener to think the story is going one way, and we convince ourselves what is going to happen next, but when we hear the punchline we find that it is diverse, even to the point of being contrary to where the set up was going. This can also be known as the incongruent for the same reasoning. Basically cause of the funny or humorous reaction here is how 2 or more inconsistent or incongruous things or circumstances that are united in one complex joke or object create this mutual relation solely from the peculiar way in which our minds take notice of them/connect them. It's having your expectations toyed with that can be shocking but also quite hilarious if we allow it to be. 

- Relief; they say laughter is the best medicine, and I'd have to say I agree with this statement, laughter is a drug, and this "drug" can help us burst out of social restraints as it were as humor often calls conventional social structures into question, helping us break free from conformity that may make us uncomfortable. Also those with inhibitions or internal strains, can often break free from such worries from a good dose of laughter, why do you think a lot of genuinely good humored and easy going people aren't tied down by mental strain for long periods of time? Because humor actually helps you break away from such things!! Not only this, but sometimes pent up frustrations either, stress, anger, or even sexual frustrations can be expressed in a healthy way through humor as we don't censor or bottle away our thoughts, instead we get them out there with a tastefulness that can be good for all.

- Defense Mechanism/Adaptation; Similar to relief, this aspect sees humor as a style of coping, it is very common for people to automatically use humor to cope with anxiety, depression, internal and external conflicts, as well as many other different stresses we face. However, unlike relief I personally find this aspect to be more subconscious and automatic, I personally make light of a lot of heavy situations almost without thought because I need to lighten the burden of hat's going down, not because I am an insensitive jerk as others may interpret the same. With a higher level of understanding of your humor as a defense mechanism, you can use it to adapt and better handle stress in your life and increase gratification as you no longer are held back by ideas and feelings and their possible consequences.

Moving on...

Okay, so with that bit of knowledge under our belts we can better understand how may people, STUPID people, will take these jokes and make them out to seem way worse than they actually are, for example, jokes about rape or murder... Now, a stupid person will take offense to this because they feel the person telling the joke actually finds the act of rape or murder to be humorous, and let's be honest, unless it's a psycho, rapist, or murderer that is not usually the case. You see, stupid people will treat jokes about bad things with the same fright, agitation, and loathing as intelligent people will treat the ACTUAL bad thing, and guess what they aren't related. As we saw above, one of the main things about humor is for to get us out of the bad things, if we can't laugh about the bad and find a bright side then that kind of kills it no? Why only joke about the good? I like the good, no need to make it good if it already is. It's like only taking your medicine, in this case, laughter, when you are feeling good, and never when you are feeling bad, that's silly.

Now, another "fun" personality trait that has been on the internet and society as a whole as of late is this self-entitled "If I feel it's appropriate to joke about it it's alright, but if I don't you can't do or say it." and that's fair to a degree, there's some things one will simply not appreciate jokes about, we all have things we are sensitive about, but there's this amazing super power we all have called freedom of speech, and if you don't like something you don't have to listen to it, but please realize not every joke or silly remark has to fall in line with what YOU find or believe to be "appropriate" that's just stupid. An example of this is when people use the words "Gay" or "Retarded" in perhaps demeaning ways, I agree they aren't the nicest or most correct terms to use, but we can't just assume, "Oh, so he's a homophobe and hates mentally handicapped individuals!!" That's classic over-reacting, and even being judgmental which is also an undesirable quality to have, and these self-entitled, over-reacting individuals are unfortunately the ones who seem to have the loudest voice online, forcing their self-righteous, and at most times, toxic personalities down people's throats, which I find to be more harmful and tasteless than a simple word or ridiculous joke. Sadly, more often then not,these people only want an excuse to be heard/attention, AKA making themselves a victim, which makes all their incessant whining even more irrelevant, only serving to cause headaches.

Listen, I know there's things many of us can't emotionally get over, I have things I will simply not tolerate jokes of/about, however I keep quiet, because if someone makes a lot of jokes, about a wide variety of subjects and I can intellectually understand the satire of each subject, when a joke about something I am sensitive about comes up, I should be able to understand that if there was no malicious intent in any of the previous jokes, it should mean that there is no hate in this joke either, I simply don't like it, but should feel like it was an attack on me or those like me. Always keep that in mind, it'll lighten up the amount of headaches you get, believe me.

In the end humor is something with many forms and those forms are manifested in many styles, so like fashion or music, we should stick to what we like and can relate to, and if not directed at us  or our loved ones in a negative or hurtful manner, we should keep quiet and move on, and not go on a tirade attacking other's freedom of speech. We should not go around and take other people's words or jokes out of context just to justify our victimization, it's lame and it needs to stop, people need to understand, not everything is going to cater to their easily offended hearts.

Anyhow I won't ramble on or continue to repeat my point, I will end it here and hope you all are able to laugh at the bad along with the good, learn to push through and overcome life's challenges, but don't take it so seriously, as laughter makes the road to your personal success just a bit more enjoyable. Something to think about *wink*

Much Love,
Never be afraid to be bananas

MS Paint Mondays 13

Good Monday my readers! Now I know what you are thinking, "Hey what's the deal, you missed last Monday? Where you scared because this one is number 13??" and the answer is simple, I was out of the country visiting my LDR Girlfriend, more details on that in a later post... anyhow, I'm back! You're back!! MS Paint Monday is back too!!! 

--Thoughts of the day--

* Sometimes hurtful tears and a sour aching are good reminders of how blessed we are, as one wouldn't succumb to such bitter-sweetness if not first showered with something worth missing. Now obviously the stem of this message is having come back home after a lovely week witht he person I adore, but it also can relate to so much more...

* For example society here in Costa Rica is that men are men, so showing this sort of emotion, though understandable by most loved ones is seen as weak, and therefore instinctively blocked out, causing one of two things to happen, either the man will breakdown and be overly emotional, or he will become cold (of course this can happen to women too,but the culture I live in doesn't face that as often as it does for men.)

* My main point is, that when you feel something, you should express it, yes that's some cliche Disney message and I apologize for the simplicity in that aspect, but recent events have reminded me, that it truly is ok to cry, and you are by no means weaker for it.

With all that said and done, this week's paint is n indirect representation of the topic, and quite literally called "They're Destroying our Hull", I tried making the effects out of the spray can tool but I'm honestly not really feeling it myself, however you all may find better use for it in your own attempts; and just as the picture show's an alien captain not caring about his ship's hull being breached, a lot of us, have the same response when our lives take an unexpected blow, yet, we must remember that it's ok to stop our ship in order to repair it, if you catch my drift.

As always, I hope this exercise helps you ease that weekly case of the Mondays and inspires you to start creating new things, and really help expand the creative construct that is your brain! I encourage you to share/send me your own MS Paint Monday creations, if I get enough I plan to do an MS Paint showcase at the end of every week so we can enjoy each other's styles and imaginations.

Much Love, Wachi

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Wachi's Nonsense: Sharknado - B Movie Bliss

Good day readers where have you been hiding?

Me? Oh, I've just been sick with the flu, so maybe I was the one hiding, haha my bad. Anyhow for this week's... or perhaps month's dose of nonsense is in regards to the guilty pleasure that is watching B Movies, more specifically the Sharknado films. Now, I'm not a movie critic in the slightest but I would like to give my two cents about how this movie made me feel during my sick day; especially since I can't find an actual meaty summary of this film, granted I haven't looked all that hard lol. (Also props and love to my beautiful girlfriend who watched this with me while I was sick♥)


So without further ado, here are my thoughts on/retelling of...

So let's start with the premise, the movie starts off with some Capitán character making some shady dealings with an Asian gentleman, to be honest, I don't really remember what they were doing, all I remember was that el Capitán had some intense facial expressions,and then his crew member yelled out to him about the weather phenomenon known as the sharknado, at this point the crew members get sharknado'd and Capitán is what I assume to be double crossed by the Asian, after a pointless boat shoot out seen both are devoured and their sole purpose as further exposition for the sharknado is concluded.

Now the title sequence explodes on the scene and the opening credits roll before we are introduced to our main protagonist, Surfer and living pun, Fin (get it, because shark fins, sharknado OHOHOHOHO *dies*), and his friends Baz the Tasmanian and nameless surfer chick whom the opening credits sequence seems to close in on. So it starts with Fin and Baz going to the water, whilst nameless surfer chick is putting on her surf gear (which is half on already by the way) anyhow the scene transitions to a beach bar where attractive obvious main character waitress and pervy old man get some exposition as well, old man checks out waitress and asks her about the obvious shark bite scar on her leg, which she brushes off as being a "shaving accident", the scene then jolts back to the beach where sharks are now ominously emerging in the distance giving the illusion of suspense... After which surfer chick finally manages to finish putting her gear on (which was just the pulling up of her sit that she started getting to in the opening credits mind you) and swims out to meet Fin, she then makes a remark if he stills surfs despite being a slow ¨old man¨; ok first of all nameless surfer chick you took 2.5 expositions to put a top on so I wouldn't be calling others slow or old, secondly if he's older and obviously experienced why the need to taunt... *sigh* the youth... Regardless, she challenges him to surf, they begin together, fairly even and she pushes him off his board because, I don't know, and then a shark kills her for being a shoobie (Rocket Power!) to the main character, this causes panic, Baz is also bitten on the leg, but luckily Fin knows the art of surf board hitting and then they manage to get on shore, then lame killings continue to happen all the while instead of calling the police or coast guard people just run around in circles on the beach, pushing and trampling each other! (EFFECTIVE :D)

After which there is a follow up bar scene where everyone is beyond calm despite the super scary shark panic just minutes before, hot waitress makes moves on Fin who is also revealed to be the bar's owner, but he's all like "Nah girl, I'm too old for your crap, also Tara Reid was my wife and despite her being an immediate Bi--erm female dog to me we're going to go out of our way to save her!" to which hot waitress replies with something along the lines of "Ugh, you are married how many more secrets you be hiding?" and then I'm like, but he never made a move on you... EVER!! I mean he never gave you any intentions or set any expectations for you two that would cause this type of reaction to his "shocking" reveal, anyways-- then I think a giant sharknado wave destroyed the bar or something but not before an amazingly cool pool cue kill by Nova, the waitress!! The 4 main characters managed to escape just before all this, old man George even took his bar stool as a weapon, because he knows that he needs his iron throne to be the president of this new Sharknation, seriously my girlfriend and I both agreed that #GeorgeforPresident was the best course of action at this point. During the super dramatic escape there's one guy who doesn't get killed by a shark, but instead the sharknado's lackey, the ferris wheel... OF DOOM!!! Anyhow, they all get into Fin's truck and find that the streets are flooding and there's no where to go, the characters begin bickering in panic, as this happens our man Georgie tells them the best route to take, because he is revealed to be a high class citizen from Beverly Hills, this revelation is short lived however as Fin sees people foolishly outside of their cars being easy targets so he jumps into action prompting them all to do so, the streets begin flooding and sharks will undoubtedly soon start torpedo-ing in!! The main cast begins telling people to get to higher ground and yanking people out of their cars to avoid being sharknado'd, during this whole scene there's this woman banging on her car's window trying to get her dog out, why she doesn't have her keys... I don't know, anyhow she is hitting her window just hard enough for it to seem like she's trying but not hard enough to prove that she loves her dog, my man George sees this, and valiantly grabs his bar stool of destiny freeing the dog... everyone has vacated the spot by this point leaving George to be the lone warrior to die at the hands... erm fins of the shark menace soooo lame, oh and when this happens the waitress Nova starts crying, shut up you jerk, you had your chance and you blew it! 

Side note: Props for George's like 30-40 second screams of agony and disbelief despite being buried by waves and sharks, lungs of a president I tell you!

Well after the tragic loss of what seemed to be the movie's best character the main survivors get back in the truck to follow the late George's plan; but how? !the waves are too powerful to drive through!?!" cries Baz in defeat, Fin reminds his surfer pal that if there's one thing he does know, it's waves and more specifically that they always come in 3's. Fun fact: I did look this up after the film and they actually do come in sets of 3's or 5's so maybe there is some legit science going down in this film... pfff.... anyhow I was pretty sick but they somehow make it to Fin's wife's home and his wife and daughter are immediate jerks to him, even though he drove all this way to warn them; then again he did arrive unannounced so I guess it's ok to be mad. Suddenly new boyfriend Collin shows up and lays down the law, since LA is the safest ever, and every time April (Tara Reid) would say something, Collin would use the force, like he moved his hand like Obi-wan and shut her up, you'd think with this immense power he would be an obstacle for our heroes, but no, sharks immediately pour in and kill him, then some "suspenseful" flooded house group escape bit happens and everyone lives another day, well except Collin, also in order to make this sentence run on a bit more, like this movie, I'd like to mention that Nova empties her entire shotgun on a single already dead shark and then laments at the fact that they are out of ammo... so dumb. After they escape Baz makes a much needed period quip because the shark blood demanded it so, and April mentions that they need to save Matt, Fin's son, who is in flight school; Nova again is utterly shocked by this ever growing family, as the drive off, April's house explodes from the water pressure or something, I would like to mention that the neighbors house is completely fine, must have been a pro-shark household, I don't know.

 Then some boring character development happens and peace or whatever is achieved, as they continue on their way to Matt, Fin notices a dangling school bus and decides to save them, wife April calls him a jerk for caring about other people more than their son. We now get to see inside the bus, and there is a comical overweight teacher calming the kids, their panic is then soothed when Fin hits the scene saving everyone in the bus, even the teacher, what a hero♥. Alas this moment of happiness was abruptly stopped as the "nado" decided to chuck pieces of the Hollywood sign at our heroes, prompting a lame matrix dodging sequence for Fin, Nova, and the Teacher, after successfully dodging the dangerously famous debris, the teacher cleverly says "My mom always told me that Hollywood would kill me" and then it did, classic. After this loss of a fine educator the group strands the Children in what appears to be an abandoned firetruck and proceed to Matt's flight school or whatever, only to be hijacked by a Shark, a shark that tears open the roof of their car and breaks Fin's baseball bat, cutting his hand in the posses, oh nooo!!! 

Side Note: Tara Reid's screams are so unbelievably bad I can't help but smile during this entire scene, also Baz protects the more and more useless Claudia during this scene.

Anyhow they manage to shoot the shark off of the car's roof, until to smell gasoline in just the right time in order to evacuate the car before exploding, it was all very dramatic. After this some more exposition happens in a general store of all places! Claudia questions Nova's name and then tells her to stay away from her heart breaking Dad. A news forecast breaks the awkwardness only to make things more awkward by prompting a "This is a government conspiracy" speech from the store clerk. Anyhow as they exit the store they find some Hollywood car rental place and they rent this huge truck with nitrous getting the group on the road again! Baz recklessly speeds through a road block causing the police to leave his patrol spot to give chase, during an apocalyptic sharknado this man of the law decided to stop getting people to safety in order to give this lunatics a ticket. Anyhow, nitrous is activated and cop is left eating dust, whilst the sharknado grows more powerful in the background. Ok, now I know I haven't been too enthusiastic of this film and you are probably wondering why I have taken the time to even summarize up to this point, well I'll tell you why, because by this point they reach the flight base or whatever where Fin's son Matt is supposed to be, and here my friends is where the BEST character is introduced!! Now, the group stumbles into the air base place and looks frantically for Matt, Baz notices the storm approaching and says that they need to "Get out of Kansas" because Wizard of Oz references are needed, followed by Nova hearing a noise, prompting her to investigate the source, shotgun first. She manages to find a group of survivors and Matt in a small nook and the rest of her group rejoices at Matt's safety! Matt is more confused by seeing his mom and dad together than the apocalyptic storm outside; regardless, Fin's group explains the nature of the Sharknado to Matt and his group, causing Matt's female instructor or whatever to question the force of this "natural" phenomena, the roof then begins to creek and a gust of wind yanks her out from the roof, causing all to panic and run back into Matt's safety nook. 

Side Note: Now in this scene where Matt and this lady are introduced we are also indirectly introduced to Blue shirt and Red Vneck, but I simply refer to them as Blu and RedV, these two dudes are the best characters in this entire film in my opinion, MAINLY RedV,a nd you will see why in a minute. (Also while everyone was in a state of shock, it was Blu and RedV who called out to the group to get back into the nook, without their calmness the movie would have ended right here. #JustSayin)

At any rate the winds pierce through the building, ripping the place apart, however thanks to Fin's arm strength he maintained the door in place saving everyone. As the group makes its way outside they find a helicopter but it not only can't fit everyone (I say leave Claudia she brings nothing to the table) but it would be unwise to fly now that there are 3 Sharknados roaming the Los Angeles air space; not to fear however as Matt remembers there is a surplus store right down the lane with just the things that they need to survive. After shotgunning the door open (Classic Nova) they all begin more bonding and exposition, here Fin calls dibs on a chainsaw with his wife, and Matt and Nova create a blow up the sharknados with home made bombs plan as science dictates that this can somehow work; of course upon hearing this Mom and Dad are against it, even after Nova offers to be Matt's bombardier, and bickering continues. Meanwhile Blu and RedV are behind the scenes actually getting stuff done, because even though they don't have their flying license like Matt, they know time is of the essence and it is not the time for idiotic family squabbles... I mean think about it, Blu and RedV have been stuck in an air base all this time, they don't know if their family is alive or dead and now they have to deal with this poorly acted and emotionally unavailable mess of a "family" taking charge of saving the day, so lame, but they do it, and they do it flawlessly. Any-whom, Matt decides he's a man and he will do what he wants, and the rest finally begin working on bombs, all except Claudia that is who is off texting, God knows who, prompting papa Fin to have another unnecessary bonding moment during an inopportune time, because she can't stand how her mom and dad are so close now because of Matt, and never because of her, and how her Dad never tries hard enough for her, which Fin remedies by saying "I came for you first so shut up idiot!" (or something like that). After that noise Matt and Nova have a bonding moment about their childhood scars, Matt fell off a slide and Nova survived a shark attack that took her grandpa from her causing her to have this twisted vendetta for sharks as a species which is surprisingly effective for the current situation they are in; oh and Baz made a bomb with a smiley face on it for... comedic effect I guess?

Now the final plan of action begins and they begin loading the helicopter with the bomby bombs, while they do so, someone mentions that "the tornado is getting closer" however when they show it it is in the exact same spot they always show it in, and perhaps I am looking into this too much, but come on; as that happens Baz suddenly drives up in the rental car and stores some bombs in it for a contingency plan, should the helicopter fail, Fin tells his friend not to do it, it's a one way trip, to which Baz replies "You have a good family take care of them or something like that yeah...", then it shows the family hugging each other, Red V and Blu are completely ignored, but at least Nova is too for the moment so it's fine... however that is short lived and we cut to her and Matt taking off in the chopper, they make meaningless small talk whilst they approach the sharknado, sharks are flung in their direction but thankfully Fin is able to snipe them from back at base with a pistol #XAccuracy. As that all plays out RedV and Blu begin actually helping out with the possibly stupider plan B, but even so they are wise to cover their bases, seeing as the main family is not doing anything else to help; well back to the choppa Matt and Nova release the first bomb, killing the first sharknado but sending vengeful sharks hurling towards the main group, April the wife does something useful and kicks Fin a chainsaw that he uses to perfectly cut a shark in half, which is without a doubt the reason this movie exists for them, for this one scene.... however as RedV is setting up the back up bombs a shark is en-route to murder him, and since Fin and family are likely still updating their twitters about cutting this shark in half, Blu has to jump in at the last minute and sacrifice himself for his best bud... none of the main cast gives a crap either... sooo sad. 

Sadness, looks like Blu wanted to be a little red too. :(

Oh but soon after a shark grabs Baz's leg and yanks him into the sky, and Fin immediately notices but of course wife April grabs him back and cries that he "HAS to leave him" and that is the end of the best friend. Then we cut to an old folks home where we see old folks in a pool and watching the exclusive news report of Johni, with an "i" since, you know, they couldn't think of a better female reporter name, but it's cool since she dies instantly from a predictable shark attack... and again we immediately cut back to the chopper with Matt and Nova going to sharknado number 2, and they manage to take it down just as easily as the first, however just as the first the sharks fall near the main group whom is running towards the old folks home, Fin uses his plot armor to protect April and Claudia, however they speed up leaving MAH MAN REDV to die, like what the actual hell man!? Like you really didn't have enough room in your plot armor umbrella for one more? So stupid... after this the movie literally became un-watchable for me.... If you want to know how it ends, go watch it yourself.... But for now I'd like to take a moment of silence for the loss of the absolute best and most useful character in the movie Bobby "RedV" Lastname;

He could have lived to be like Anakin, but Fin didn't even turn around... #RedVneckLivesMatter

In the end I think that sharknado was incredibly silly but fun, up until the death of the greatest character, right after Blu, RedV... He died as he lived... by being redder than everyone else. *Tear drop* All in all, this movie taught me that unless you are blonde and a main character no one will appreciate what you do during a sharknado, speaking of which why were sharks the only sea creatures sucked into these water spouts (not even tornadoes)??? Whatever, I say we do the right thing and follow Actor Alex Arleo's (AKA RedV) twitter and start a #RedVneckLivesMatter trend to bring the efforts of extras in B movies not go unrecognized by the main cast;

And that's that friends, I hope you enjoyed my super amazing and PROFESSIONAL synopsis of this cult classic, "Sharknado", btw, my girlfriend and I also saw "Sharknado 2" but without RedV or Blu it was just not the same... :( and this friends is where I'll end it, as randomly and abruptly as it all began, FIN!

Much Love,
Never be afraid to be bananas

Monday, September 14, 2015

MS Paint Mondays 12

Readersssss Assemble!!!!!! *Ahem* Hello all, and welcome to another rousing week, and seeing as it's the start of a new week, it also means it's time for a new MS PAINT MONDAY!!! So turn those moans into Moan-alisas!!

--Thoughts of the day--

* I personally have always been the type of person who finds more joy in seeing other's happy than with my own accomplishments, and in this I have noticed that I sometimes find myself more excited in friend's accomplishments than the friends that actually accomplished said feats. Many gain a surge of extra appreciation and joy from watching someone else celebrating with them and there's something so glorious about ramping up someone's already joyous day with your own joy.

* With the above in mind, I urge you to never lose yourself trying to get the biggest slice in the credit pie and devouring alone in your glories, but instead work together and put all your pieces of credit pie together, whether the piece or accomplishment is big or small doesn't matter, just celebrate as a team/as friends!! Because even though growth and development is mainly treated as an individual activity, a positive celebratory attitude towards those around you can help you grow further than you thought possible as you'd all be growing as a team, therefore more eyes would be on your collective growth, opening more opportunities faster.

* Love and work on yourself always, but always encourage those around you and let them know how proud you are of the things they accomplish, you never know when they may just be the ones helping you up and encouraging you in the future. :D

Along with today's thoughts, this week's paint is of an amazing colleague of mine, G. Taylor otherwise known as Pito Di Masta who sang the song "Where is the Love"; (You can check that out in my Songs from the past post) this colleague of mine started with me 6 years ago, and has been promoted twice since then, he makes excellent food, and also got a perfect 100% in his quality!! So I want to give my man props with this week's paint, simply called "Mr. Taylor Terrific"

As always, I hope this exercise helps you ease that weekly case of the Mondays and inspires you to start creating new things, and really help expand the creative construct that is your brain! I encourage you to share/send me your own MS Paint Monday creations, if I get enough I plan to do an MS Paint showcase at the end of every week so we can enjoy each other's styles and imaginations.

Much Love, Wachi

Monday, September 7, 2015

MS Paint Mondays 11

Woooohhhh!!! Finally over my flu, this is fantastic, and it's LABOR DAY, so I get to work from home today, relaxation station all the way ya heard!? What? I need to calm down? No, why don't you calm up bro/sis?? It's MS Paint Monday and I'm ready to rock!!!!

--Thoughts of the day--

* Today I woke up knowing it would be an "easy" and nice day, and that god vibration that I injected into my subconscious has made me get up earlier and energized despite only sleeping for 5 hours, which despite not the healthiest has gone on to teach me something, it's all about how you face the day that makes it how it makes it.

* It was Groucho Marx who said it best when he said "I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it." So with this in mind we should begin each day happy and worry about only today, one day at a time mentality.

* Keep your days happy, keep your mind at ease and keep yourself simple and even the most stressful of days can be a good one, because we willed it so, never underestimate the power of an unwavering good attitude. :D

Now for this week's paint I doodled an ex colleague of mine, Thomas, who is in his own heavy metal band here in CR, he has been in an exceptionally good mood so I feel this paint along with the theme would match perfectly despite the imagery not being the "happiest"; I call this paint "Guirrito Torero"; torero meaning bull fighter because his hair would often curl off to the sides making him look like one haha..!!

As always, I hope this exercise helps you ease that weekly case of the Mondays and inspires you to start creating new things, and really help expand the creative construct that is your brain! I encourage you to share/send me your own MS Paint Monday creations, if I get enough I plan to do an MS Paint showcase at the end of every week so we can enjoy each other's styles and imaginations.

Much Love, Wachi

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Sleepy "Monologues"

Good Evening my sleepy time readers *thunder clashes in the background* huh? Oh no this isn't meant to be spooky, there's an actual storm, *ahem* where was I? Oh yes, good evening readers; as you may know I am in an LDR (Long Distance Relationship), that said I Skype my girl quite a bit, and sometimes, we talk until very late at night, until the sleepiness overtakes our brains and makes us more nonsensical than usual; when this happens we reach a crossroads, should we go to sleep or push forward in our drowsy dispositions and continue hanging out because we love each other's company, typically we choose the second one and I wanted to start this possible new series called "Sleepy Monologues" as that's usually what we spout when we find ourselves in this sleepy love-imbued trance of nonsense. Therefore, I wanted to document the topics we discussed to see if people are truly more philosophical when sleep deprived, here's what we got!!

Topic # 1
Our first date/How we view Dating

Luis (Me): "Babe, that's easy, our first day is not one night it's the whole trip (NOTE: I will be visiting my girl for the first time in 12 days!!) we have had so many virtual dates we kind of murdered the generic date scenario where the couple tries to interview each other by one-upping or impressing each other in subtle ways, we are past that, so I think just spending real time together throughout the trip will be in a way a giant first date. But, C'mon, let's be honest, dinner dates and romantic walks are fun and will have their time, but don't couples want to reach the point where dates are just Netflix in our underwear while we order in? That extreme comfort level shared with the person you fancy?"

Katie (Girlfriend): "YEAH!! Good Point"

Luis: "Well what about you Babe,what are your thoughts?"

Katie: "You know, it's so simple, our first date will simply be defined as our time together, like you said, but a date should just be taking time, where we just focus on one another, time dedicated for us and us alone, forging our relationship, that simple..."

Luis: "Well just you and me is great! But I also got to meet your friends and fam while I am there, don't forget *YAWN*"

Katie: "OMG, they will already like you, and I love Linda (her friend) she's the best and she already thinks you are funny...*nonsensical laughs and mumbles* Oh, hey what do you think about people who don't string their string cheese?"

Topic # 2
String Cheese Consumption

Luis: "Ugh. My mom doesn't string her string cheese!! It's like super annoying, like it is called STRING cheese for a reason, not stick cheese on the go, or bite cheese.... Like seriously, and I have called her out on it but she justifies her lack of stringing from being too hungry... like what?? It's like people who pour water into a glass and then choose to drink it out of a straw, like what is the matter with you, you know? I get that some water bottles have straw like tops, so you suck on those, it's what they do, but like to choose to slurp water out of a bendy straw... NO, just no, it's just like not stringing the string cheese, it's not natural..."

Katie: (laughs) "You dork, I feel like you take this too seriously, but I agree, string cheese, is called string cheese for a reason, and unless you are starving can can't find the strength to string it, then you really have no excuse to not string it."

Luis: "...I mean if you are hungry then make bigger string pieces then, it's possible, such a waste of string cheese when it is eaten so wrong..."

Katie: "Well yeah, but it can't be helped, speaking of waste however, do you recycle?"

Topic # 3

Luis: "Hmmm... Well I used to back when I lived in Virginia, my mom and I had bought recycling bins and recycled pretty responsibly, it was nice, and not a troublesome task, that and it helps the environment, so no real downside. Now, however, in Costa Rica, we don't seem to have a legit recycling truck that comes by, I mean I personally still sort the plastic from the other miscellaneous trash, but without a proper recycling program it's hard to tell if they are properly recycled once picked up or not... To be honest, I do feel it is important to conserve our world's resources, I mean I'd hate to live in a world where it is so polluted that we need to depend on Captain Planet's help."

Katie: "Haha, what do you mean?"

Luis: "You know Captain Planet, the people of the world get so irresponsible with its upkeep that mother nature herself calls upon 5 kids to clean up and summon Captain Planet... but he is annoying as all heck, and the kids or Planeteers aren't much better... What worries me more though is the powers they are assigned, like why is the hot headed American fire? Won't that start more wars, he can make fire and explosion, that's not cool, and then there's the 2 women the Asian and the ummm Australian(?) I think..? Anyhow I can't remember who is wind and who is water, but I think the Asian was water because they have tsunamis and eat sushi... because Cap. Planet is racist, maybe, so the Australian is wind because of...uhhh reasons. Following up we have the African teen, who is earth, because earth is brown one might say I don't know, the point is these are dangerous things in a Captain Planet ruled world where we weren't careful with recycling."

Katie: "Oh?"

Luis: "But that's not the worst part, the worst part is that South American youth with the comic relief monkey, his power is heart, which makes people love or something, now imagine they aren't all together to summon their precious captain, at least the other 4 can hold their own through the power of nature, but this heart kid, he would just give too much love to all these thugs which could then result into lust and then rape, he is creating over zealous future rapists, this is a problem!!  So racism, war, and now rape all will explode into every corner of the earth all because we didn't recycle!! This, this is why I recycle!!"

Katie: "Hahaha I feel you really put way too much thought into this Babe, I personally recycle to give myself and by extension others a better life, I even cut up those plastic six pack thingies so that I can protect Free Willy!!"

Luis: "Hahaha, Just Free Willy?? So screw all the other Orcas?"

Katie: "Yeah, because Free Willy can do tricks, the others can't, if they wanted to be saved from faulty recyclables they should have gotten themselves caught in fishing nets to be trained too, too bad for them I say"

Luis: "That is so weird, I had no idea that you had such a high affinity towards Willy from Free Willy..."

Katie: "Yeah, I looooooove him, I bought the 3rd movie on VHS and got a compass, I hated it, because it always points North and it was always north, everywhere was North I don't get how they work... So frustrating!!"

Luis: "Yeah, I feel compasses are abusive towards us, they get us lost on purpose so that we become dependent on them, it's like a twisted self inflicted Stockholm syndrome, so evil."

Katie: "Yeah but it had cute silver whales on the back!"

Luis "Oh, I guess that's ok..."

After these 3 topics, though not exclusively "monologues" per say, we just got slower and less cohesive until we fell asleep. Personally I love these dorky moments of sleepiness and if we continue to have them I'll try to continue to document them.

Every night with this girl is a memorable one <3

So with that said and done I will leave you all with your no doubt puzzled expressions, haha! If you liked this nonsense let me know and I will keep making more like this, if you don't well, meh I'll probably still make more, and if you have any of your own sleepy time gibberish, I would love to hear it.

Much Love,