Good day readers, I hope you are all doing well, and that life is good! Today, I'd like to introduce a brand new segment to my Blog, simply titled "Wachi's Rants" and as the title may allude to it is a simple rant section. Why? Because despite priding myself on the positive things in life, sometimes, like most, I need to point out something I think is stupid, in sometimes a stupider fashion to make my own point. Now I realize rants are a double edged sword as my opinion could either garner support or make me look like a psycho, but to be honest, I am willing to take that chance. *Tee hee* ♥

So ok, so this rant is about the law enforcement here in Costa Rica, otherwise known as "OIJ" or "Organismo de Investigación Judicial" which translates to the "Judicial Investigation Department"; Now, I have always found law enforcement in this country to always be lacking and or a bit ridiculous in some matters, but my rant is about their way of handling simple tasks, and how they justify their dealings of such.
Now I want to preface this with the fact that I am usually a patient person, and that part of this rant's frustration stems from my cousin's own stupidity which led us to my impatience with the OIJ. You see, back in mid December my cousin's phone was pick-pocketed at the park by a peculiar pedestrian (try saying that 17 times fast), any how he and his at the time girlfriend, Judith, came running to my house as I live right by it asking for immediate assistance, we went to the service provider who refused to track the phone without a signed police referral. So we went all the way to the opposite side of town to the police station, waited for over an hour, my cousin explained the situation and the police refused to help since he didn't have the original receipt or box as he had purchased the phone overseas. Normally, though unfortunate, I can understand the cop's view point since he had no way of proving we were the original phone's owners or if there was even a phone to begin with, but the way he explained it is what irritated me. You see the officer went on to say, like the receipt or original box, we need some sort of documentation to prove the purchase of the phone otherwise it's just all bologna to him, he went on to say, documentation is the proof for any and all things, if a crime occurs and the victim has no documentation to assist in proving that he was wronged, more often than not, the case won't be taken, no exceptions. To this I found myself, documentation is like a shield, but if there are no exceptions, and crimes aren't crimes without the proper info, what is stopping me from shooting people to death simply because they aren't able to present me with their birth certificate??? HUH??? Think about it, documents rule all, no documents, mean whatever it is isn't what is being claimed, so without a birth certificate, you were never born, you are only believed to be alive, but without any real proof is it actually murder?? Yeah, deep stuff I know.
However, I ignored this "twistable" explanation and we left, my cousin noticeably depressed. A few weeks passed and my phone planned had expired, when I went to renew it, I was given a chance to completely upgrade my phone model for $199.99, I took the deal and gave my Samsung Galaxy S5 to my cousin so that he could have a phone again, he was so thrilled, it was quite nice. Now let's fast forward to this Tuesday, March 1st, 2016... we had to go to our local house of culture (which is a small establishment with various cultural activities and arts) for our theater classes, well despite my warnings for him to get changed before class he didn't until after we arrived, and he accidentally left his phone in the bathroom, he realized 30 min later ran back and it was gone, he became much more distraught than the last time. So after class, we went back to my house, as I did keep the original box and manual. We went to the police station, made our claim, and the police chief promised he'd attend to our phone dilemma; he then disappeared for an hour only to return with Chinese Take-out, loving the urgency... Anyways, after they finished stuffing their face, we had to wait until 3 officers helped another guy, because one is incapable of taking info by himself it seems. Well, long story short, the cop saw we had all the documentation and told us with his chief's signature we could go to the phone company to track it no problem! Great right!? WRONG!! Because this cop wasn't going to get it signed, he said this was my cousin's fault for leaving it unattended, and theft caused by the owner's carelessness will not be handled by the police. Now, I work for customer service, we too are told that carelessness on the customer's part voids warranties, and it's really a "too bad so sad" type situation. However here we have someone who stole a phone, carelessness or not there is a thief in our midst, and all we need is a signature to find him, but no, no way. The chief cannot be bothered to sign something where carelessness was the prime factor... The officer then tried to cheer us up by telling us it's the norm. That if someone had reached in under the stall whilst he was pooping and stolen it, then they would have signed it, just not like this, and that this isn't just for phones but anything of value, he mentioned that earlier that week a woman parked her car at a McDonald's to use the bathroom but left her keys, so she got no help, since it was her own damn fault, isn't life grand? With that logic, if a mother walks into a shoe store to check out a wicked good sale, and leaves her daughter unattended I have every right to kidnap her, since it isn't a crime, the mother was being careless, not my fault, it's hers, is that right???
So using the OIJ's logic I should be able to murder and kidnap people without being penalized because of lacking documents and carelessness, wow, don't I feel safe and secure, geeze... So the officer wouldn't budge and told my cousin to be more careful with his stuff, and obviously my cousin became incredibly upset, since when he found an Iphone on the floor in class he returned it to the office, and now thanks to the police he no longer sees values in doing good deeds... Atta boy law enforcement, helping inculcate those good values over your unwillingness to budge in fairness!
All in all, I feel the interaction of our law enforcement as well as their soft skills could use some work, they had a calm and collected tone the whole time through mind you, never did they sound, pitch wise, annoying or upsetting, but maybe that's what made what they were saying sound extra annoying... Just remember kids, always keep your phone and other valuable belongings on you or in a safe place of yours, and if you lose it, lie and say it was stolen, but make sure you still have documentation on it, otherwise no help for you, you silly ducks. So respect the law and those in authority, but also demand enough respect for you and your time as well so that this doesn't happen to you also! Thanks to all of you who made it this far and for tolerating this rant, I appreciate any and all my readers who take the time to read anything I vomit out of my keyboard, it means a lot.♥
Much Love,
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