Monday, May 16, 2016

MS Paint Mondays 45

Good Morning readers! Hope you are all having a wonderful start to your week, and if not, be like me and fake it til you make it. Anyhow, I am working to getting back on track with my Monday scheduled MS Paint Mondays, and so with that let's get it on with number 45!

--Thoughts of the day--

* I don't know about you all but I am in the mood to not restart with ITIL training trying to get a certification out of sheer desperation of our manager, but that is what I need to do, and that sort of desperation in this corporate level reminds me of Giovanni from Team Rocket. Oh come on I can't be the only one...

* Think about it, big boss, needs all his underlings to get one thing that inexplicably keeps escaping their grasp, and everything someone is close  or manages to grab it, the game changes and we need to start again. Now just like Team Rocket, the corporation I work for will still remain strong if we can't all capture Pikachu, erm, I mean ITIL, but its obsession with getting us all certified will never be pleased until we do, spawning unnecessary seasons of the same show and... and... wait what was I talking about?

* It all just becomes quite tiresome and repetitive and one doesn't feel like one has got the time to continue doing the same thing over and over again, but then again even if there were more hours in a day, I doubt I'd want to spent them doing ITIL lolol.

Anyways let's get on with this week's MS Paint, which I have called "Team Time" whichin case you don't remember MS Paint Mondays #34, where I displayed my Pokemanz parody paint, these 3 were part of the same comic, again making fun of Team Rocket, and they had a spanish speaking Rattata. I even made them a motto just like Team Ropcekt from the anime, and it went something like this *AHEM*

Team time´s Motto.
Molly: Prepare for time!
Mark: And make it Lime!

Molly: To TIK to TOK with indignation!
Mark: To tell the time of every nation!

Molly: The east coast´s daylight savings puts them an hour ahead!
Mark: What she said may not Rhyme, but at least it had to do with time!

Molly: Mmmmolly-lly-lly-lly!
Mark: Mmmark-ark-ark!

Molly: Team time is ticking with enourmous power!
Mark: We´ll kill you all, if you don´t know the hour!

Rattata: Son las-- (and then whatever time it may be) 

Sooo yeah that's my paint this week, and my message is basically don't get discouragesd if life makes you feel like you are wasting your time, do what you set out to, and keep growing, eventually, if you stay your course, you will check everything off your list as it were, even in catching that pesky Pikachu lol.

As always, I hope this exercise helps you ease that weekly case of the Mondays and inspires you to start creating new things, and really help expand the creative construct that is your brain! I encourage you to share/send me your own MS Paint Monday creations, if I get enough I plan to do an MS Paint showcase at the end of every week so we can enjoy each other's styles and imaginations.

Much Love, Wachi

Friday, May 13, 2016

Wachi's Rants: Let the Preggos Drink!

So it's Friday and I have a bunch of work to finish up, but as I enjoy my lunch break my eyes trip over and stumble into this headline that I saw this morning. The headline simply read, "Bartenders banned from denying pregnant women alcohol in NYC" and of course I had to click on in and make sure it wasn't a real thing, but instead some poorly written joke article of some sort.... it wasn't... unfortunately. Now, now, I can see you worrying about me making so many rants as of late, since my blog was initially for silliness, art, and positive thoughts to a degree, and it still is for the most part, but things like this, as the sub-header mentions, I simply cannot stay quiet about.

First and foremost, I shouldn't be so surprised that this is a law, I mean with abortion being more widely accepted, and therefore legalizing the murder of our unborn babies in hospitals, who's to say that it's morally wrong to kill them slowly in bars right? UGH... I mean, correct me if I am wrong bartenders, but it is my understanding that bartenders normally require an RSA (responsible service of alcohol) certificate in order to be bartenders, key word being "responsible"; that said, it doesn't seem to be very responsible to lawfully force these employees to assist in potentially harming the life of an unborn child. Now don't misunderstand me, I couldn't care if someone wishes to drown their entire existence in alcohol, well I would technically pity them but it's their life to do with as they please, that is not the case here however, here, you are affecting the life of an unborn child, and that is not cool.

As I continued to read the article I noticed it only continued to infuriate me, with quotes like the following; "The guidelines, released Friday by the city’s Commission on Human Rights, state that 'using safety as a pretext for discrimination or as a way to reinforce traditional gender norms or stereotypes is unlawful.'" WOW, so we are calling this discrimination now? Not irresponsible from the mother's part to be subjecting her unborn child to fetal alcohol syndrome?? Huh, what is this syndrome you ask? Well I'll tell you, this is an EASILY PREVENTABLE condition that plagues the unborn child with eventual mental and physical defects that they will have to live with for their entire lives! I looked up examples of what some of these symptoms may include and found several possibilities, by drinking alcohol whilst pregnant, your child could be born with dangerously low birth weight, have a small head circumference, they may experience development delays, organ dysfunction, facial abnormalities, epilepsy, poor social skills due to lack of imagination and curiosity which by the way could also cause learning difficulties, and all these things will undoubtedly cause them frustration and eventual behavioral problems. So in order to be a selfish and ignorant "independent un-oppressed woman" and drink whenever you like, you are opening the door to ruining the ENTIRE LIFE of another human being. (I invite you to google search FAS symptoms for more.)

Now here's the kicker, I am the type of person who doesn't really like kids, yet even I don't wish harm on them (unless they are incessantly whiny then I want them to fall down the stairs or something... WHAT? Kids are durable, and I mean carpeted ones, not those metal factory stairs of death, chill) so this isn't me letting my utter love for children cloud my judgment, if anything I am angry about how lacking in compassion society continues to be, and we are growing in our selfish nature every day, this is proof of that.

You know what else, I bet that as soon as a mom injures herself or her unborn child due to intoxication, or if their child is born with fetal alcohol syndrome that she will have full right to sue the bar/bartender who gave her alcohol while pregnant since he should have done so RESPONSIBLY. Because in the end, according to society, the poor mother is the victim since she was being discriminated.... Ok I'm done, I just can't anymore, good job feminism, fetal alcohol syndrome for all!!

Here is the article for those who wish to look into it:

Much Love,

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Wachi's Rants: Overwatch and Battleborn Stahp the Comparisons

Heyooo readers, grab your guns and come help me sort this out because honestly I'm tired of seeing it flooding my interwebs. Huh? You don't know what I'm talking about? You don't like shooters? Well I'm not very good at them myself but enjoy the occasional romp online, the point is recently I have gotten into a game called Battleborn, and despite having great difficulty with it at first, I am slowly becoming better at it which is quite nice. Now for those of you who don't know, Battleborn is a mixed genre co-op FPS (First Person Shooter) and MOBA (Multiplayer online battle arena) which was birthed by Gearbox, the studio who brought us the frantic hilarity that is the Borderlands franchise. Now, the day it was released May 3rd, was also the day that Blizzard released their hero shooter, Overwatch's BETA. 

Now you may shrug to yourself and say "Well ok, cool, 2 games with unique, personality-filled heroes on the same day, quite glorious no?" Well yes, but people don't take it like that, let's be honest, barely anyone ever can, human mentality is always my team versus yours these days, why do you think the US only ever allows for 2 political parties to take up all the media space, it's simpler for them to just have red vs blue... umm I'm getting side-tracked, the point is now these games have unavoidably been pitted against each other, you are now either team Overwatch or Team Battleborn, and you can't talk about one online without it being somehow compared to the other in the comments to follow. 

Again, this is not to say that everyone is like this, but a majority of people are and it gets rather tiresome when I want to look up some BB content only to see a slew of Overwatch comparison videos in my search... That is irritating, it almost seems as though people don't wish to try this game for fear that they will somehow be barred from playing Overwatch as well, and believe me, I am not bashing Overwatch, in fact, I am quite fond of Blizzard and cannot wait to play it myself (I mean they still haven't gotten me off the Hearthstone hype train, so Overwatch is just something more from them that I can't wait to dive into.) That said from what I have seen, there is no reason for these two games to be competing against each other and otherwise splitting fanbases into rivals. One is a FPS MOBA and the other is a traditional FPS, but more in line with the Team Fortress model, which is great since Valve has an issue with making 3rd installments into games. 

Both have something interesting to offer and both have things I dislike, however both are very different, seriously, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, aside from the characters being unique heroes and them both being in FPS format, what else do these games have in common? Go on, I'll wait..............................................huh? Oh, you haven't said anything yet, ok I'll wait................................................................................................. ok I'm tired of waiting, I do chuckle at the thought of someone yelling at their screens like if this were an episode of "Dora the Explorer" and I'd somehow react when you did. :D As for those who didn't say anything, then you understood my point, gameplay-wise, these are 2 very different experiences. For one in Battleborn you have a single player campaign, split screen co-op (which is a huuuuuuuge plus as far as I am concerned), and objective based competitive multiplayer; whereas in Overwatch you get a much shallower experience, which is not a bad thing per-say, simply stating that it's a game in which you just hop in and kill the enemy with colorful unique heroes (still a good time as far as I am concerned).

In Battleborn's gameplay you have leveling, shards, buildables, gear, and you are stuck with the hero you choose for the entirity of the 15-30 minute match, that's right, 15-30 minutes, Battleborn's competitive MOBA style game has you undergoing long, strategic battles over Overwatch's hop in and play modes. Now don't get me wrong, Overwatch's simplicity is a plus as it's great for a few rounds of pushing a car and killing, and all you need to worry about "collecting" are health packs when you are in need, the straight-forward nature is addicting and appealing, and I can definitely understand that. Quite similar to the old school Battlefield vs COD debates, where Battlefield was a grander scale to COD's jump in "arcadey" shooter style. Additionally, both games offer loot systems at the end of matches, while Battleborn's loot system is towards gear for future rounds, Overwatch's seems to be more cosmetic in nature with character skins and the like. Overwatch is also more like a regular FPS in the since that the time to kill is quick and to the point, for example, head shots are one-shot kills the vast majority of the time; whereas in Battleborn, players are much slower to kill, and deaths can be brutal in the late game due to the longer waits for respawns, again making it the deeper of the 2.

All in all, I would like to end this by re-iterating that again, just because they are both shooters with distinct playable characters all with their own unique skills and weapons, doesn't mean they are the exact same game, nor does it mean that you must ally yourself with a certain camp and not play the other. Enjoy them both, as for the time being, neither are stepping into micro transaction territory, that is a welcome note; though Blizzard has been sketchy when answering fans about future business models for the game, so keep your eyes peeled and your wallets close. In the end, I feel I repeated myself a bit too much, much like many who have done this comparison before me, and will undoubtedly continue to make after the fact when Overwatch officially launches later this Spring.

With that I leave you to enjoy whatever you choose to play, be it Battleborn, Overwatch, or the new Pokemon Sun and Moon coming out in November #TeamRowlet

Much Love,

MS Paint Mondays 44

Readers! I'm failing at my consistency and for that I am sorry, life is taking too many twists and turns at the moment, but I have made a responsibility to you and I am a week and 2 days behind, if you were my pets and this was me feeding you, you'd all be dead and or dying, and for that I am sorry, but fear not MS Paint Monday (Wednesday actually...) is here!!!

--Thoughts of the day--

* So this week and well this month of May so far actually has been hectic for me, a lot of internal job changes, urgent trainings, life choices, new friends, and tough calls have been raining down upon me, and I have unfortunately loosened the grasp of my blog because of it.

* Now I'm not saying that when life starts kicking you down you shouldn't work towards keeping it under control, but this blog is therapeutic in a way, and when we are faced with stress we should always remember to make time for the simpler things. Such as MS Paint Mondays.

* Just like anything else we must strike a balance, even when it seems impossible to, and I know what that is like, sometimes work/life balance just doesn't seem achievable at some points of my life, but if I don't make an effort to find a way to give myself some me time to vent, then I'll start saying "screw it!" at my job, which is something I can't afford to do right now.

So with all that in mind, I bring you another old school comic I used to do in my youth, "Tamagotchi Trio" which were my parody of  those infamous digital pets we all know and some love of the same name, Tamagotchi. The relevance being that just like we must nurture ourselves even if we feel like we don't have the time, we must also remember to feed our tamagotchis, lest their own fecal matter be their death, just like stress can be yours. Reflect on your life.

As always, I hope this exercise helps you ease that weekly case of the Mondays and inspires you to start creating new things, and really help expand the creative construct that is your brain! I encourage you to share/send me your own MS Paint Monday creations, if I get enough I plan to do an MS Paint showcase at the end of every week so we can enjoy each other's styles and imaginations.

Much Love, Wachi