Friday, May 13, 2016

Wachi's Rants: Let the Preggos Drink!

So it's Friday and I have a bunch of work to finish up, but as I enjoy my lunch break my eyes trip over and stumble into this headline that I saw this morning. The headline simply read, "Bartenders banned from denying pregnant women alcohol in NYC" and of course I had to click on in and make sure it wasn't a real thing, but instead some poorly written joke article of some sort.... it wasn't... unfortunately. Now, now, I can see you worrying about me making so many rants as of late, since my blog was initially for silliness, art, and positive thoughts to a degree, and it still is for the most part, but things like this, as the sub-header mentions, I simply cannot stay quiet about.

First and foremost, I shouldn't be so surprised that this is a law, I mean with abortion being more widely accepted, and therefore legalizing the murder of our unborn babies in hospitals, who's to say that it's morally wrong to kill them slowly in bars right? UGH... I mean, correct me if I am wrong bartenders, but it is my understanding that bartenders normally require an RSA (responsible service of alcohol) certificate in order to be bartenders, key word being "responsible"; that said, it doesn't seem to be very responsible to lawfully force these employees to assist in potentially harming the life of an unborn child. Now don't misunderstand me, I couldn't care if someone wishes to drown their entire existence in alcohol, well I would technically pity them but it's their life to do with as they please, that is not the case here however, here, you are affecting the life of an unborn child, and that is not cool.

As I continued to read the article I noticed it only continued to infuriate me, with quotes like the following; "The guidelines, released Friday by the city’s Commission on Human Rights, state that 'using safety as a pretext for discrimination or as a way to reinforce traditional gender norms or stereotypes is unlawful.'" WOW, so we are calling this discrimination now? Not irresponsible from the mother's part to be subjecting her unborn child to fetal alcohol syndrome?? Huh, what is this syndrome you ask? Well I'll tell you, this is an EASILY PREVENTABLE condition that plagues the unborn child with eventual mental and physical defects that they will have to live with for their entire lives! I looked up examples of what some of these symptoms may include and found several possibilities, by drinking alcohol whilst pregnant, your child could be born with dangerously low birth weight, have a small head circumference, they may experience development delays, organ dysfunction, facial abnormalities, epilepsy, poor social skills due to lack of imagination and curiosity which by the way could also cause learning difficulties, and all these things will undoubtedly cause them frustration and eventual behavioral problems. So in order to be a selfish and ignorant "independent un-oppressed woman" and drink whenever you like, you are opening the door to ruining the ENTIRE LIFE of another human being. (I invite you to google search FAS symptoms for more.)

Now here's the kicker, I am the type of person who doesn't really like kids, yet even I don't wish harm on them (unless they are incessantly whiny then I want them to fall down the stairs or something... WHAT? Kids are durable, and I mean carpeted ones, not those metal factory stairs of death, chill) so this isn't me letting my utter love for children cloud my judgment, if anything I am angry about how lacking in compassion society continues to be, and we are growing in our selfish nature every day, this is proof of that.

You know what else, I bet that as soon as a mom injures herself or her unborn child due to intoxication, or if their child is born with fetal alcohol syndrome that she will have full right to sue the bar/bartender who gave her alcohol while pregnant since he should have done so RESPONSIBLY. Because in the end, according to society, the poor mother is the victim since she was being discriminated.... Ok I'm done, I just can't anymore, good job feminism, fetal alcohol syndrome for all!!

Here is the article for those who wish to look into it:

Much Love,

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