Friday, July 29, 2016

"Maturity" Today: The Pokemon.Go Trigger

Good evening Readers, hope you are all doing well this fine Friday, and that you are able to wind down however you all like with your favorite activities. Whether it be watching a movie, hanging with friends, gaming, reading a good book, or following the latest fad, in this case, becoming a Pokemon master!!!

So with that, I'd like to bring up tonight's topic, the sudden maturity that has risen from the latest trend to overtake the world; I of course am referring to Pokemon.Go. Now as with other popular fads, Pokemon.Go has established a huge active fan base of all ages, mainly of those of us in our late to mid 20's who experienced Pokemon from its beginnings, and has therefore over-taken the social spaces with pictures, posts, and memes. The sudden resurgence of  Pokemon with its original fans has just as quickly created a wave of "mature" folks who have apologetically taken to social media to attack and belittle those re-living their childhood with this app. 

As this has occurred for a few weeks now, I have come to really think about what it means to be mature, what truly defines a mature person, and does allowing time for your inner child to come out and play completely invalidate your possibility to be a mature individual yourself? Well let's first take a look at what aren't factors of maturity...

1. Age: Contrary to what many tend to think, a person's age does not correlate to their level of maturity. Just as there can be a whiny 40 year old, who incites problems with others, or gives others petty punishments like silent treatments or name calling. There can be young people who forgive and forget, and act calmly and rationally when experiencing pressure. Never assume that just because someone is an adult they are automatically mature, just like you should never discredit someone's opinion simply because they are younger than you as that doesn't necessarily mean they are immature fools by default.

2. Social Status: Another misconception that I see tossed around is people's success or social status being used as a way to measure an individual's maturity. Now, there are many successful individuals who are indeed very mature and well-like in their respective fields because of it. However, there are many CEO's, managers, field specialists, etc whom just because they are good at their job, doesn't mean that they are good at life, so to speak.  Just because you are well off in a business sense doesn't mean you can handle things maturely; I myself have had a couple of bosses, who despite their numerous certifications, where very petty and obnoxious when put under pressure.

3. Education: This goes hand in hand with social status, just because someone has a Master's degree or a PhD doesn't necessarily mean that they are more mature than someone who only has a high school diploma. Higher education has never been the equivalent of mental maturity. I can use myself as an example for that, I was way more immature during middle school compared to some elementary school counterparts, just as when I went to High School I found many of my classmates to be more mature than college and university goers, even some I have met this day in age.

4. Appearance: This should be common sense, Like the age old saying goes, "never judge a book by its cover." Just as with social success and education being mistaken for maturity, physical appearance should never be used as a measure for how mature someone is or isn't. Someone in a clean suit and tie isn't guaranteed to be more mature than a man on the street in rags. They may carry themselves a certain way on the outside, that sadly doesn't always reflect how people are on the inside.

So taking all that into account, look at how we are treating the player base of this new trend, as immature jerks, however, the same people calling out immaturity, are the same who take those weird snapchat dog-face selfies, or play mindless games like candy crush, feeling a sense of mature superiority, because it's something that was popular for KIDS. But I say to you, this is more than just a game, this is a social experience, where we go back to our childhoods, a stage in life where we always looked into tomorrow's next adventures, wide-eyed and loving it! So instead of nostalgically reminiscing about innocent days' past, they are reliving it in their current life whilst dealing with all their responsibilities. This app, has also helped many people get out of their homes and explore places outside of their routine as well as meet people with whom they may have never socialized with. To many this experience is more than just fun, it's become a source of therapy and exercise, becoming that small step into a brighter life! But the lack of compassion in this day makes people get this attitude of almost disgust at seeing others relive their childhoods in such a way. To think other's joy could cause someone so much internal turmoil that they chalk it up to be immature behavior, because to them, being mature means being a slave to your office and never having any fun, and to be perfectly honest, that's not so much maturity, as it is just sad.

Seriously, just this Monday, I was walking by the park by my house, and saw this magnificent scene;

<-- A typically semi-empty park, is now almost always filled with people sharing their Pokemon stories and catching tips. At one point in time is was dangerous to walk this park after 9-10pm, now everyone looks out for each other and keeps an eye out for rare Pokemon, and when they do they don't keep it to themselves, they announce it for all to hear and work together to get to the needed destination safely. 

Any how, as I was saying before, earlier this week, after seeing the above scene I got home only to hear a rumbling of feet coming towards my house, the rumble soon was drowned out by a chant, a repetitive mantra perfuming the air, it was one word, "Dragonite!!" I knew then that one fo the rarest mons was close to my home, and I knew I had to burst out the door and join this Pokemon master mob to victory, after jogging for a kilometer with the mob, hatching an egg and getting a Machop to join my cause along the way, and that's when I saw him, DRAGONITE!!!

<-- I reaped the rewards of that last minute lastly hunt, and got an invaluable Pokemon for my collection. After everyone caught their dragon comrade, we all walked back to the well lit part of town together making sure everyone was back safe before I head back home. This type of interaction is not immaturity, it's a beautiful return to the simpler days of playing outside, and that is something I fully support.

Whether you like Pokemon or not, you  need to be able to see the wonderful effect that this is having on us as a people, excluding the idiots who walk into oncoming traffic or off the edge of a dock, as they ruin it for everyone. 

Just like not all cops are racists, and not all Muslims are terrorists, not all Pokemon masters are immature dicks. Mature people don't generalize after-all haha. Just some food for thought. 

In the end, this should have been a "Wachi Rant" seeing as it was pretty sloppy, but in the end I just wanted to say my peace. If you want to be the mature person, make peace not war, be open for communication, respect other's opinions, find joy in other people's happiness. (I mean so long as they aren't psycho killers whom are happy about having just spilled an innocent person's blood, that happiness you can be against, no judgment there), and last but not least, mature people do not judge others, people who judge are essentially playing God, and that air of arrogance or superiority should not be confused for being more or less mature. 

As always, Much Love,

Monday, July 25, 2016

MS Paint Mondays 49

Good Afternoon Readers! Hope your day is so easy that even a caveman could enjoy it with little to no stress. As for me today is a national Holiday here in Costa Rica, but as I work for an American Company, I got to work regardless, woohoo!! Anyhow, being in the office on a Monday means we have access to MS Paint, and with that I'll just get right to it, GET READY FOR MS PAINT MONDAYS!!!!

--Thoughts of the day--

* Well it's been a lazy I don't feel like doing anything kind of day today, the type of day where the clients are chill and the tensions are low, it's during days like today where one's imagination can truly run wild, where you can be anything you want to be, do anything you want to do, a dance all day and party all night kind of day!!

* Anyhow, instead of doing all that I spent the day catching up on ComicCon trailers and watching James Bond. #Productive

*With the world seemingly going down the gutter it's nice to have a day where you can have a mental escape, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, just because there is misery doesn't mean you have to allow yourself to be consumed by it, you do you. Be silly, make happiness, become someone new! But don't take it so far to become like a psycho murderer... unless it's to murder onion-based products. ;D

Now then, with all that nonsense over and done with I give you "Chem-sino Rami-yale" a classic and non-universal pun on James Bond's Casino Royal, starring my Chemistry teacher Mr. "Rami" Atya, he was a teacher who truly lived with fun and joy in his person, always taking the time to make an out of left field joke, and make random comparisons and characters to better explain complex chemical jargon. That said, I wanted to take the spirit of allowing us to become something else through the power of imagination to make him and his characters Sam and Ian into super secret agents, because why not?

As always, I hope this exercise helps you ease that weekly case of the Mondays and inspires you to start creating new things, and really help expand the creative construct that is your brain! I encourage you to share/send me your own MS Paint Monday creations, if I get enough I plan to do an MS Paint showcase at the end of every week so we can enjoy each other's styles and imaginations.

Much Love, Wachi

Monday, July 18, 2016

MS Paint Mondays 48

What's up Readerlings!! Gah! I'm sorry I have been gone for a month, but fear not for clumsy doodled MS Paints are returning to your weekly scheduled, especially since I am now done and over with ITIL!! So with that brief intro let's roll right to it and commence MS PAINT MONDAY!!!

--Thoughts of the day--

* Life is rough, and we as people only make it rougher on ourselves and each other. How many times do we plan something out only to feel like we have reached a dead end only because it didn't go exactly as we planned it?

* Let's say you want to travel somewhere, and you plan it all out, but you hit an obstacle, perhaps you have to pay an extra travel tax, or renew a document, but you can't get it through a call or a specific person, you have to think outside the box, and therefore you feel like it's not possible to travel after all. (Now I am not referring to huge situation altering circumstances, of course things like that happen and plans therefore can change, no, I am referring to small inconveniences, where you can still get things done if you really wanted to.)

* Now a days everything that happens seems to be fueled by hate according to social media at least. Where everyone feels entitled to things and therefore whines, complains, or creates some false victimizing narrative as to why things didn't work out the way they did, without enjoying the journey despite it not leading to your desired route. Life teaches lessons for us, even if they aren't the ones we wish to learn.

Well I'm done being a Preachy Pedro, this MS paint is titled "Dr. Rana" or Doctor Frog, and basically this character was made for a girl I had a crush on who loved frogs and medicine unfortunately she didn't very much like me haha, at the time I thought we really clicked, but she was only interested in my doodles and not in me getting close to her on any level. At first I was hurt, but then learned you can't make anyone feel a certain way, a very obvious lesson of course, unless you are a con man or something, but it is one that I had to learn the hard way. Sometimes we make and do things for a certain result only to not achieve it, and perhaps the result we wanted can't even be achieved by our known means, or we can achieve a similar result that we have yet to see or realize. Basically don't give up, remember what you want, and if you really want it, you will find a way to make it.

As always, I hope this exercise helps you ease that weekly case of the Mondays and inspires you to start creating new things, and really help expand the creative construct that is your brain! I encourage you to share/send me your own MS Paint Monday creations, if I get enough I plan to do an MS Paint showcase at the end of every week so we can enjoy each other's styles and imaginations.

Much Love, Wachi

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

I was on TV A Fourth Time

Random Life Update!!

***I Was on TV... A Fourth Time***

Aye Readers, sorry I have been so inconsistent on here, but a lot has happened within this month. First and foremost, I was asked to be on TV a fourth time and was filmed, alas due to the champion's league they never released it, but it was there and I was in it, thankfully I do have a couple of pictures from the day should any of you be curious.

This time filming took place on a farm, so naturally before filming started I got acquainted with the locals, goats are friendly, at least the baby ones were :)
<-- These two avian ruffians however were not as friendly as the little goat, they ran that turf and I knew I had to watch myself around them.

The last name we were filming was the Campos family and their origins in Costa Rican ancestry, their story wasn't all that interesting I must say, but then again I had a boss with the last name Campos and he was pretty boring too, sooo maybe it all makes sense lol.

<-- Here is the typical onset selfie that these life update posts have become so accustomed to sharing, it was nice getting to meet new cast mates for this experience, even if it didn't get any attention due to the soccer matches it is still a fun experience.

Last but not least, dwn a ways from the farm where we filmed there was some thick woods and a river, where they decided to film more scenes. It all went well with the exception of when we started back up and out of the woods to get back to the farm, I felt a sharp sting on my arm and fund I had an allergic reaction to something in those woods. With this new mutation I thought we could put a spin on the Campos origin story of them being lizard men, but the director wasn't having it. lol

ere is the mutation in case anyone is curious;
 <--- Armformer! More than meets the eye!
Armformer, swelling bigger than my thigh!
The woods are dangerous to walk with skin exposed the Plantcepticons!! *AHEM* anyways that's that for the tv spot but it's not all for my life update, becauuuuse...

***I Am Now ITIL Certified***

Yes, you read that right my readers, those of ou who may have been following me for the past few months kno that the thing that took up a lot of my time was studying for the ITIL certification exam, well I just wanted to say I fially took it and I passed the darn thing freeing myself from the shackles it created, and having that burden on my back means that blog updates should begin to be more frequent and concise

Well with all that said and done, I will end this brief life update, stay tuned because there is more to come, and soon! :)

Much Love,
