What's up Readerlings!! Gah! I'm sorry I have been gone for a month, but fear not for clumsy doodled MS Paints are returning to your weekly scheduled, especially since I am now done and over with ITIL!! So with that brief intro let's roll right to it and commence MS PAINT MONDAY!!!
--Thoughts of the day--
* Life is rough, and we as people only make it rougher on ourselves and each other. How many times do we plan something out only to feel like we have reached a dead end only because it didn't go exactly as we planned it?
* Let's say you want to travel somewhere, and you plan it all out, but you hit an obstacle, perhaps you have to pay an extra travel tax, or renew a document, but you can't get it through a call or a specific person, you have to think outside the box, and therefore you feel like it's not possible to travel after all. (Now I am not referring to huge situation altering circumstances, of course things like that happen and plans therefore can change, no, I am referring to small inconveniences, where you can still get things done if you really wanted to.)
* Now a days everything that happens seems to be fueled by hate according to social media at least. Where everyone feels entitled to things and therefore whines, complains, or creates some false victimizing narrative as to why things didn't work out the way they did, without enjoying the journey despite it not leading to your desired route. Life teaches lessons for us, even if they aren't the ones we wish to learn.
Well I'm done being a Preachy Pedro, this MS paint is titled "Dr. Rana" or Doctor Frog, and basically this character was made for a girl I had a crush on who loved frogs and medicine unfortunately she didn't very much like me haha, at the time I thought we really clicked, but she was only interested in my doodles and not in me getting close to her on any level. At first I was hurt, but then learned you can't make anyone feel a certain way, a very obvious lesson of course, unless you are a con man or something, but it is one that I had to learn the hard way. Sometimes we make and do things for a certain result only to not achieve it, and perhaps the result we wanted can't even be achieved by our known means, or we can achieve a similar result that we have yet to see or realize. Basically don't give up, remember what you want, and if you really want it, you will find a way to make it.
As always, I hope this exercise helps you ease that weekly case of the Mondays and inspires you to start creating new things, and really help expand the creative construct that is your brain! I encourage you to share/send me your own MS Paint Monday creations, if I get enough I plan to do an MS Paint showcase at the end of every week so we can enjoy each other's styles and imaginations.
Much Love, Wachi
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