Ok, ok I know my readers, I can hear you, "ANOTHER RANT REALLY?" yes, but to be completely honest I almost didn't post this, as I know people will hate my thought process, but hey sometimes I need to vent to myself for therapeutic reasons. So with that out of the way you can feel free to go or stay as we rhyme in this introduction about the majestic Harambe.
So in case you have been living under a rock, as I occasionally do, then I'm sure you all know the sad tale and death of sweet gorilla Harambe, who was killed by his own zookeepers last week, due to a stupid child and his irresponsible parents.
<-- This here is a picture (courtesy of google) of this magnificent beast who was the victim of crappy parenting. Now as I am sure most of you have done, most individuals have become 2 teams, very reminiscent to the days of Twilight where social media was in utter uproar with the never calming storm that was #TeamEdward vs #TeamJacob, where we now have #TeamParents vs #TeamHarambe.
Myself personally, I was team Harambe from the second I saw the title in the original article, I adore animals and I am not ashamed to make others feel uncomfortable about the fact, heck one time I saw a little girl hitting a dog with a sandwich, the dog, naturally, bit at the food and consequentially cut the girl's hand. Unsurprisingly the idiot started crying and all the people ran over to console her AND scold the dog, and I was not having it, I was 14 at the time and I ran over then and scolded the girl and my mom and her parents gave me a group glare, but hell no, let me smack your daughter with some food and see how she reacts, I ain't playing!!! *Ahem* Where was I? Oh yes, Harambe and his cruel fate. I decided to properly investigate and research this before making an opinion on the matter, as you may imagine I can be quite cynical about these sorts of things and that lends the perception that I am a heartless jerk, I am not, but hey I won't tell you what to believe. What I will say however, is that I had a single thought in my mind when I began reading into this story, which was, "Please, pleaseeee don't let the parents be black." Can you guess what I discovered soon after the thought readers..? That's right, they were BLACK!!! And they allowed the death of a Gorilla, so much for #BlackLivesMatter am I right? Too soon? Sorry, but I don't think that group is the right way to get things done for Black people... but I mean come on, knowing they were black what if the kid thought the Gorilla was his uncle, hell he was unharmed, the gorilla probably thought the stork dropped him a son?? Hahaha, but seriously if the kid was Asian he'd have built a ladder and gotten out of there, and if he were White well then it'd have been a random cop that would have shot the Gorilla, am I right? What? Too offensive, well good, because that's how twisted society is, and if you are the type get immediately offended by jokes like these, then you are the true intolerable racist in society!!
I-- I am sorry readers I am a bit irate at society these days and Harambe was just the tip of the iceberg, aside from my possibly tasteless remarks above I am very upset that this is how we as people react to situation that slip out of our control, with immediate hostility. Huh? No, no I hear you, I shouldn't be so general, this is different, it's a wild animal, blah blah blah... To you I say that this is no different, look at any slight disagreement, especially in the USA these days and look at the over the top, at times threatening, outrage that comes of it. With Harambe they knew they couldn't stop him with mean tweets and racist/homophobic claims so the next best thing is to end him. That's our society these days, we react too hastily and too harshly to EVERYTHING, you don't need to agree with me, but I seriously invite you to take a look around.
In the end, let's look at how it all went down; there was a family at the zoo, the stupid kid was like "Yo, momma, I want to go swimmin' ya heard?" and then the mom was all like "Naw, Tyrone, you stay put, I got my hands full as is with yo cousins or whatever other kids are around that I can use as an excuse to take my entire attention off of you long enough for you to find a way into the Gorilla enclosure.", "Shiiiiii--" rebutted little Tyrone (or whatever the kid's name was)
Anyhow after the kid fell in Haramabe went over to him, completely chill, and that's when black mom and frenzied zoo goers start hollering and shouting like maniacs, which undoubtedly confuse and maybe even frighten Harambe, he knows something is up and that it may not be safe, so what does this majestic ape do? He not only retreats but he takes the boy with him, PROTECTING him. It's as if the zoo staff doesn't know diddly about Gorilla body language which is inexcusable as they work with these animals daily, enough to believe that he, an endangered species of gorilla needed to be killed because "tranquilizers just would take too long, ooohhh noooo...."
Seriously this all happened the day after Harambe turned 17, I recently also had a birthday, I would have hated to have been shot down the day after because a kid hoped my fence into my home. I'm just glad a vast majority of people feel similarly to myself and demand justice for the poor creature, let this be a lesson to parents as well, if you take kids ANYWHERE where they can get hurt or into places they shouldn't then keep an eye on them and don't overwhelm yourself with other distractions, there is no excuse for this, NONE. Lastly for those who say that it's the Zoo's fault because the fences/barriers are too short, easy to get passed or whatever, the freaking thing was founded in 1875, and there has never been a rise in children toppling into animal enclosures because of the fences, because most parents are attentive, and most kids have COMMON SENSE, which I know is all but dead, like Harambe. :(
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Much love to you, you magnificent specimen, sorry we are such a crappy species. |
*Sigh* Well that's all I wanted to get off my chest, I appreciate those who stuck through my incessant rambling until the end, I just feel like we need to take a step back and realize how precious ALL life is, something that we only seem to be doing selectively these days.
Much Love,