*Deep Breath* Ok... Readers I am sure that this is a divisive topic, and I wouldn't blame you if you stopped reading anything I post after this, but I need to get this off my chest as it is something that has been expanding more and more each day and I can't keep quiet about it any longer, and that is my views on this ever expanding movement called Black Lives Matter or BLM.
Now what is BLM you may ask? It is an international movement created by the African American community to bring to light violence against blacks / Police brutality and any systemic racism. Now as any movement it was triggered into inception after a specific event, this being the shooting of Trayvon Martin. Now let me be real with you, Trayvon Martin did not deserve to die, and I am outraged that his life was lost, and George Zimmerman's acquittal of said crime is disgusting, BUT what happened with this? The media sprung into action and made it a white man vs black teen narrative; got to get those white devils am I right? But then we find out that Zimmerman is not white, but in fact Latino, and how do they fix their mistake? They make it about race. But there was never any evidence at all that Zimmerman's actions were driven by race, race was not the issue, but oh man did the media want it to be. Fun fact: Trayvon though not doing anything despicable at the time of his death did have a record of carrying marijuana and stealing jewelry from a neighbor's home. However Florida's justice system took leniency towards his crimes and simply had him suspended from school. If he had gone to a correctional facility he may still be alive today, just saying.
Anyhow, let's fast forward a year and we find ourselves in the Ferguson riots, this is where BLM finally became the famous domestic terrorist organization we know today (That's right, I said it!). This was born over the famous Michael Brown shooting, where the famous mantra "Hands up, don't shoot" was born. Now, here is where I have a problem with this, BLM loves to tell you Michael brown had his hands up, and then was shot in the back as he was running away, killed "execution style" by the racist police. Now the autopsy report doesn't show any bullet wounds entering from the back, and multiple witnesses claim that Michael Brown charged at the officer to steal his gun away, that is not hands up. But BLM shuts their ears at this fact because it doesn't help their racist police narrative. Are there racist police officers? Yes. Does police brutality need to be addressed? HELL YES! Is this the way to do it? Burning stores down and rioting like animals, making up lies? NO.
Now BLM doesn't end there, not at all, they continue rioting and speaking out because they aren't happy, after their famous hashtag hit the scene, #BlackLivesMatter, some people corrected them and began trending #AllLivesMatter, oh man, did that set them off. AllLivesMatter is low key racism folks, because even though all lives matter they want you to know that Black Lives Matter too, or in this case they are the center right now so shut up. Ignore the fact that more white teens have been shot by the police than black, police officers are racist white devils and they need to be eliminated. Now I hear someone shouting, "well what about Black on Black crime, the percentage of blacks killing each other in areas like Detroit and Chicago is the highest rate homicides in the entire USA?? What is BLM doing about those tragedies?" Well, my dear reader, don't you know that by just saying Black on Black crime, you are not stating a legitimate statistic but in fact proving that systematic racism is a thing, I mean come on.... Haha no, but seriously readers, BLM's blindness to the fact that statistically speaking, the people who are most racist towards blacks are other blacks is astonishing.
Black lives only matter to BLM when they are taken by a white man. Don't believe me? Where was their outcry when shootings in Ferguson killed 9 year old Jamala Bolden? There wasn't any, because she wasn't killed by a white man, it was an accident...
Let's look at a tragedy this year, the Orlando gay bar shooting, does anyone remember what happened at the vigil on a college campus? Well I will tell you what happened, a BLM member stole the mic and said wonderful things like "How she was scared to talk because of all the white people." and how she "Wished that many people would attend her BLM protest meetings". Like what the hell?? This is a memorial, 50 people died, and all you care about is taking jabs at white people and pushing your agendas, BLM makes me sick. The way the blame ALL white people because their ancestors ALL owned slaves, let me tell you something, not ALL whites owned slaves, the ones that did were democrats, you know the current BLM party because "Trump is racist", not a Trump supporter btw, but he has never said anything explicitly racist, wanting to control illegals and possible terrorists threats isn't a racist statement, and if you read that and think he is saying, eliminate all Mexicans and Muslims, then maybe YOU are the racist one... *Ahem* where was I? Oh yes, not only that but some blacks and native Americans also owned slaves, so shouldn't we do some mandatory DNA tests so we can also shun the correct black people hm? I mean if you want to get reaaaal technical and ridiculous, we could say Egyptians are the true slavers as they enslaved the Jews waaaay before America did it. But wait, Egypt is in Africa, and BLM are African-Americans, so that would mean many of the current BLM people could also have Slaver DNA, oh no no no forget I said anything, that was just my inherent racism as an Asian/Latino.
Still not convinced? What about when BLM rioted in Milwaukee when they hunted whites for simply being white, check out the link: Kill the White devils!
These people are twisted and the real racists, I will be honest, racism has never been completely eradicated in human history, but think back not 10 years ago, and remember that black and white relations where never this dire, we are regressing back to the civil rights times because of BLM creating this race war. They want whites to suffer, whites to pay, and whites cannot say anything because "The oppressor can never be the oppressed". I am astonished with the hate in this group and yet they keep asking to be treated with love. I don't know about you readers but I am scared that these scare tactics are working, BLM is the KKK for white people, only difference is, society loves them, and a lot of my white and light skin pigmented friends are pushing this agenda on FB daily, but I personally have zero black friends who support this noise and you know what happens to them? They get called Uncle Toms and ostracized for being "brain washed", are you kidding me, what is this cult like mentality. People with this white guilt and these BLM are a danger to our society, and if you think I am being a hateful racist for pointing it out, you are part of the problem in my opinion, no hate readers but this is a scary movement.
Need more? What about the Charlotte riots just last month, where BLM rioters were quoted saying "We cannot cohabitate with white people anymore." after another black man was shot and killed by the police, funny enough he was killed by a black man, but they just left that out and kept harping on it being racist. This is a regressive movement people, they want us back to the time of segregation, and they only ever attack white people. Look at Chinese markets/restaurants for example, they ONLY/or at least 99.9% of the time hire Chinese people, why aren't they called racist? Huh? They aren't giving blacks an equal employment opportunity isn't that bad? Maybe it's not the best example but think about it. BLM loves screeching that there is no such thing as reverse racism, and they are 100% correct, it's just called racism, and anyone can be targeted, yes even white people.
Don't even get me started on the Korryn Gaines videos, she got herself killed, being black had nothing to do with it, watch the videos yourself if you don't believe me, she brainwashed her child into hating the police and then used him as a human shield while she pointed a shotgun at police, and ya'll still think it was because police are racist. Society makes me sick, but BLM is not the medicine it needs, if anything it is just a symptom that is shows us it is only getting worse; don't believe me? Please, comment 1 thing that Black Lives Matter has done to improve black lives, just one.
These people are clowns, which reminds me, what is going on with those creepy killer clowns North America? Are we going to start seeing #ClownLivesMatter now? Lol it reminds me of that old episode of Dexter's Laboratory where he gets bitten by a clown and torments people at night only to be defeated by his sister who uses Mime powers. So maybe we need some good natured mimes in order to fend off these killer clowns... or would that be racist since mimes are white and clowns are people of color? LOLOL! Come on, that was golden..
In conclusion readers BLM is a violent, entitled group made up of middle class, "educated" black people and their posse of white/light pigmented followers with internalized guilt and "privilege". The sad truth is the people who are most holding black people back are black people themselves, and until they can see that it is not genetics, or racism, but their own cultural way of living that is keeping so many of them down, then we will never get any true growth or change, and if you think that is racist f me to say, well then, that's too bad and I wish you the best.
Much Love,
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