I'm back! Sooner than you all expected no doubt, though perhaps un-surprised by now how this again was not posted on a Monday lol, should I just call them MS Paint Fridays at this point? Nah, I would probably mess that up too, so let's just keep it as Mondays, rolls off the tongue better, like a crayon, which is used for art, which is what this is all about, so let's cough up our art supplies and MSPAINT MONDAYS!!!!
--Thoughts of the day--
* So work has been pretty chill this week, even still I have been chosen to help the new hires and they have truly made my job more of a hectic dilemma. Now don't get me wrong we are all new sometimes and need that helping hand. However in this case it is annoying, let me explain...
* Imagine this, you have a solid team and a new player joins to fill in the last possible position, there are no rooms for subs or anything else, and you help your coach in showing the newbie the ropes. All good so far! However one day, someone from another team sprints up to your team's coach and says they want in, there is no open position, and even the substitutes are filled, yet your coach says "Umm ok go train with the others until there is a new opening." (this includes me in the scenario, and there's no date for when a new opening could happen)
* Here is where the art of patience and obedience comes in, you do as you are expected and you do it well, however after a couple of weeks when you realize this goes from being a task to being a random person taking up your time so that they can train to possibly replace you as there are no spots open, that just gets awkward... like does she have nothing else to do in her current team that she needs to constantly come to ours and take hours of our work week? Haha.. seriously though.
* In the end it helps me reflect on myself, how I have been whenever I join a new class or team. I want to use this current time wasting annoyance to remind myself how to act when I move on or begin to learn something new, I don't want to be a nuisance/fire that has to be calmed and put out, I want to be a bulb that takes note and energy from those willing to teach me that I may burn bright and help illuminate them further from the things I learn. I don't know if I am making sense or not, but I guess it goes along with the mindset to love what you learn, but learn to read the atmosphere and whether it is your time to join or not.
* Imagine this, you have a solid team and a new player joins to fill in the last possible position, there are no rooms for subs or anything else, and you help your coach in showing the newbie the ropes. All good so far! However one day, someone from another team sprints up to your team's coach and says they want in, there is no open position, and even the substitutes are filled, yet your coach says "Umm ok go train with the others until there is a new opening." (this includes me in the scenario, and there's no date for when a new opening could happen)
* Here is where the art of patience and obedience comes in, you do as you are expected and you do it well, however after a couple of weeks when you realize this goes from being a task to being a random person taking up your time so that they can train to possibly replace you as there are no spots open, that just gets awkward... like does she have nothing else to do in her current team that she needs to constantly come to ours and take hours of our work week? Haha.. seriously though.
* In the end it helps me reflect on myself, how I have been whenever I join a new class or team. I want to use this current time wasting annoyance to remind myself how to act when I move on or begin to learn something new, I don't want to be a nuisance/fire that has to be calmed and put out, I want to be a bulb that takes note and energy from those willing to teach me that I may burn bright and help illuminate them further from the things I learn. I don't know if I am making sense or not, but I guess it goes along with the mindset to love what you learn, but learn to read the atmosphere and whether it is your time to join or not.
With all that said and done I don't know if this week's paint is super relatable to my thoughts as it is an old one, however let's see if I can make it work. This doodle titled; "Fiya Fighta Extraordinaire" was, like last week's, done in response to a friend and colleague from my early days in the company, so when I was a newbie. He was a lover not a fighter, unless it was fires, as he was a volunteer fireman, but even still he was very shy. Interestingly enough, last week's paint, represented my colleague Kat whom was very hard to really reach due to the phone wall she'd put up. Well Alex (the fireman) was able to break through that shell, and both of them continue to be great friends to this day. Goes to show, that sometimes your approach isn't the right one, but that doesn't mean there isn't value in it. As a student or a teacher, we can always help start or put out fires, it is how we learn to solve problems and teach others how to avoid them. Huh, not sure if I am making any sense, but it's honestly amazing how we can learn so much from all the individuals we meet in life, even those we don't want to give training to hahaha.
As always, I hope this exercise helps you ease that weekly case of the Mondays and inspires you to start creating new things, and really help expand the creative construct that is your brain! I encourage you to share/send me your own MS Paint Monday creations, if I get enough I plan to do an MS Paint showcase at the end of every week so we can enjoy each other's styles and imaginations.
Much Love, Wachi
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