What's this light, am I in heaven?? Nah, it's just a new work week, and MS Paint No. Seven!! Hello everyone, I hope you're doing phenomenally this fine Monday and that you have your doodling caps on for a new MS Paint Monday!! :D
--Thoughts of the day--
* I have been thinking a lot about what angers people or what gets them upset, and linking it to myself I found that we can sometimes be truly thankless about all the blessing we currently have in life and that's really sad. I literally only have 3 complaints in life, all of which are temporary. (Don't like my job, can't find a stable art class in my country, and the love of my life is too far away)
* Is it not better to wake up and count the good things instead, as I'll bet they far outnumber the bad, don't believe me? You woke up with another day of life, perhaps you are in good health, you have the gift of sight in order to be able to read this post, or at least the gift of hearing to have it read aloud, You have someone in your life that cares about you, you can digest your food without issues (I'm hoping), etc, etc...
* So with that said, keep moving forward, and don't let the little blotches of negativity mess with your personal progress, see what you do have, and if need be take an alternate route to your final destination, despite it not being favorable, a new start can sometimes give way to different more favorable opportunities later down the line.
So without further ado I give you this week's paint "Freiza and Cell: A Failed Attempt"as you can see, I cannot draw DBZ characters for the life of me, but from what I have heard the animation on DBZ super has been slipping sooo bad that I felt this Paint was appropriate.
As always, I hope this exercise helps you ease that weekly case of the Mondays and inspires you to start creating new things, and really help expand the creative construct that is your brain! I encourage you to share/send me your own MS Paint Monday creations, if I get enough I plan to do an MS Paint showcase at the end of every week so we can enjoy each other's styles and imaginations.
Much Love, Wachi
* Is it not better to wake up and count the good things instead, as I'll bet they far outnumber the bad, don't believe me? You woke up with another day of life, perhaps you are in good health, you have the gift of sight in order to be able to read this post, or at least the gift of hearing to have it read aloud, You have someone in your life that cares about you, you can digest your food without issues (I'm hoping), etc, etc...
* So with that said, keep moving forward, and don't let the little blotches of negativity mess with your personal progress, see what you do have, and if need be take an alternate route to your final destination, despite it not being favorable, a new start can sometimes give way to different more favorable opportunities later down the line.
So without further ado I give you this week's paint "Freiza and Cell: A Failed Attempt"as you can see, I cannot draw DBZ characters for the life of me, but from what I have heard the animation on DBZ super has been slipping sooo bad that I felt this Paint was appropriate.
As always, I hope this exercise helps you ease that weekly case of the Mondays and inspires you to start creating new things, and really help expand the creative construct that is your brain! I encourage you to share/send me your own MS Paint Monday creations, if I get enough I plan to do an MS Paint showcase at the end of every week so we can enjoy each other's styles and imaginations.
Much Love, Wachi
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