*Sniffles* Greetings my beautiful readers, I hope all of you had an amazingly restful (and not in bed sick like me) weekend!! Also sorry for those whose summer vacation has come to an end, I hope you made a lot of awesome new memories, as for now let's start off the week with not 1 but 2 MS Paints!! MS Paint Monday is at it again, bring paint 9 AND 10!!!
--Thoughts of the day--
* Seeing as school is coming back, I realize many are moaning and groaning and trust me I was too, aside from seeing some friends there was nothing worth getting me out of bed so early in the morn, but seeing as my HS years were plagued by hidden depression I would have loved to have taken more advantage of them...
* When something interests you in school, like a course or elective, I say go for it, have fun and make memories, I only really got to do that with theater due to the state of my personal life at the time, but the friends I made are timeless and I don't regret the time I got to learn with them. That said don't let school be what it has become, a study-thon to get good test scores and move on.
* Life is more than just the end goals, and yes we strive to pass them and move on, but don't let that cloud over experiences, companions, and life lessons found along the way, just because they don't correlate directly with your end goal/test, doesn't mean it's a waste of time. The saying is live and learn after all, we need to do both.
This week I decided to make 2 paints, to show my passing of my quality exams here at work, they aren't my focus, but it still feels good, so this first one I barely passed as anything less than 85/80 is automatic failure, so I call it "I phucking passed my QA"!! I was even satisfied with this, seeing as I was never a huge over achiever in things that didn't interest me, such as this test, however.......
...Then came the second evaluation, 100% perfection, I like to call this paint "I phucking killed my QA" I even went super saiyan with joy (that's a thing yeah?); point is, I accomplished this by just using what I had learned and observed, not really paying attention, and my work was rewarded accordingly. So as stated above, don't live to pass the test, live to learn how to surpass expectations through your own merit.
Much Love, Wachi
This week I decided to make 2 paints, to show my passing of my quality exams here at work, they aren't my focus, but it still feels good, so this first one I barely passed as anything less than 85/80 is automatic failure, so I call it "I phucking passed my QA"!! I was even satisfied with this, seeing as I was never a huge over achiever in things that didn't interest me, such as this test, however.......
...Then came the second evaluation, 100% perfection, I like to call this paint "I phucking killed my QA" I even went super saiyan with joy (that's a thing yeah?); point is, I accomplished this by just using what I had learned and observed, not really paying attention, and my work was rewarded accordingly. So as stated above, don't live to pass the test, live to learn how to surpass expectations through your own merit.
As always, I hope this exercise helps you ease that weekly case of the Mondays and inspires you to start creating new things, and really help expand the creative construct that is your brain! I encourage you to share/send me your own MS Paint Monday creations, if I get enough I plan to do an MS Paint showcase at the end of every week so we can enjoy each other's styles and imaginations.
Much Love, Wachi
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