So if you have been reading the written noise that is my blog, I am sure you are lost, confused, and a bit intrigued about I, the individual who would construct such a place, I must say I'm not sur-- Huh? What do you mean No? You could care less?? Well that means you care at least a little so I'm doing this anyways!!
1. I was born on June 4th, 1990, therefore I am one of those annoying 90's kids.
2. I am an only child, however I never experienced that spoiled, get everything I want lifestyle associated with such, instead I got the, do all the chores by yourself treatment (Yeah, not fun).
3. My favorite color is Orange, despite this however, Orange is not my favorite fruit (That spot is reserved for watermelon).
4. Which leads to my next point, despite loving watermelons, they now make me feel bloated due to a bad experience at summer camp (maybe I'll tell that story on here someday).
5. I am Costa Rican Born, however I am also part Chinese from my dad's side and part Swiss from my mom's. It's a rather odd mix. (I did live in the USA for 11 years after my parents got divorced though)
6. I can speak English and Spanish fluently, however I cannot speak Swiss nor Mandarin. Reason being, my Swiss family told me I would never need nor use it as it was a specific dialect. Whereas my Chinese side didn't want to teach most of us Mandarin as my Great Grandpa left his first wife for a Costa Rican therefore teaching us Mandarin would be dishonorable according to him.
7. I cannot stand onion, as some of you may have gathered from my previous blog post. But I find them and cilantro to be utterly disgusting and overpowering to the foods they touch. *bleck*
8. I have little to no patience for whining or self-pity/people victimizing themselves, this is probably my biggest pet peeve... I mean if it's a legit reason, and you need to vent, OK, but if it is a daily occurrence, especially about some triviality, then you will see me irate.
9. You know that meme: "right in the childhood" well I had never actually experienced that pain and thought it was just internet silliness until I saw Michael Bay's TMNT reboot. (I left that theater a broken man, full of indignation)
10. I am allergic to shellfish and cat dander (Regardless of this, I have a pet cat)
11. I genuinely enjoy every musical genre, and have a varied playlist (with the exception of Death & Black Metal as well as Screamo)
12. I have been doodling since age 2-3 and when I started Kindergarten when my teacher saw my drawings, she begged my parents to have me go to a psychologist as my little monster doodles depicted that I am messed up in the head. :P
13. My first job was as a Plumber's apprentice; Most physically exhausting job I've ever worked, 11 hour summer days. A lot of respect for the profession.
14. I am a huge Nintendo fan, and have been my entire life, needless to say Satoru Iwata's death was heart-breaking to me personally.
15. I am quite adept at improvisation and have always enjoyed the theater. Which is surprising because the decision to get me into theater classes was my mother's claiming that I was TOO dramatic and needed a place to better project that energy.
16. Despite not being a religious individual by definition, I am extremely spiritual and think there is not only value but peace and joy in cultivating a relationship with God and his Word.
17. I used to collect Street Shark/TMNT toys and Digimon cards (both of which my mom threw away/donated </3)
18. Despite not being a huge avid reader as I used to be, I do enjoy graphic novels these days, currently reading TWD, Invincible, East of West, IDW's TMNT, Fables, and Saga.(I also enjoy reading Manga, One Piece being my current favorite on-going series)
19. I am extremely critical of myself and what I can and can't do. I am however very easy-going with most others. This, with my tendency to be a procrastinator and at times lazy cause me the biggest internal stress.
20. I am deathly afraid of heights, the unknown, and the Chucky movie franchise lol.
21. Currently in a relationship with the most amazing lady<3. The only real downside is that it is a Long Distance Relationship (LDR). (Extra tidbit: It was because of her I started a blog)
22. Despite having a cat these days I have always been incredibly attached to dogs, my childhood dogs of 13 years, 2 Maltese (Ralphie and Charlie), passed away earlier this year. :(
23. When I was a kid I used simple observation and experiments to disprove Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, much to my mother's dismay. However when I discovered that the tooth fairy was fake after accidentally discovering my baby teeth in a box, I was devastated... I was also 14. lol
24. Due to my over active imagination, quick thinking, and want to share what I thought of, and why I thought of it, is usually received with drug tests or accusations.
25. When I was in kindergarten and First grade, I used to beat up older kids, steal juice boxes for the whole class to be "cool", and had earned all the other kid's respect, and eventually had most under my command. My teachers at the time didn't know how to punish me as with my imagination and silver tongue I never learned, they found the best way was to send me to the preschool class I could not take whining, it was torture. I have calmed down significantly since then.
26. When I was 13, I realized I couldn't read the board in class anymore, I would squint, move up, and even asked my friend to borrow his glasses from time to time, it literally took me a year before I realized I needed glasses... so dumb.
27. I have only gotten after-school detention once in my life, in 8th grade, for drawing on a bus seat with my friend Jesus. The Vice Principal, said it was because by drawing on the bus seat not only do we encourage others to be vandals, but the bus driver will become paranoid due to the cleanliness of their seats and not pay attention to the road therefore putting all our lives at risk. I am not kidding, had to spend an entire afternoon cleaning the school in the janitor's place, followed by having to pay for new seats as the one's we doodled on were damaged beyond repair... I disliked Mr. Miller very much lol.
28. I met my best friend of 19 years due to a complicated pregnancy of his mom, a Spanish teacher, and my Mom needing a Spanish teaching job. Due to the utter perfect situation, my Mom taught the class as a year long substitute the kid's loved her so much they gave her the job permanently. She however had constant contact with the original teacher during that time, so I got to know her son quite well. His little sister considers me her "other brother" even to this day, due tot he ridiculous amount of time we would hang out. (If not for his event my mom was already being considered to go teach at another school in another county.)
29. I have brown eyes, one nose, and am 5'11 tall! #Genericness
30. My favorite Childhood comic strip was Calvin & Hobbes, I still adore it to this day and find author, Bill Watterson, to be a beautiful human being.
31. To a lot of folks I am at my most philosophical or inspirational when I am annoyed or vent about stuff, instead of when I actually try to be.
32. I was once found so attractive by another man that I was voted his #WCW (Woman Crush Wednesday) not sure if I should be honored or insulted by this though.
33. I am obsessed with inserting, Sponge Bob and Community jokes in my every day life, however only from the first 3 seasons of each which I hold high regard to. (Sponge Bob should have ended after the first movie imho)
34. Despite being a sweet and understanding individual overall, I am quite the cynical and sarcastic individual. Many are surprised when I joke as their image of me becomes distorted. I find dark/witty humor, slapstick, and stereotypical jokes to be hilarious. Unlike toilet and some raunchy humor which I find to be tasteless and for the most part, stupid.
35. I have the tendency to give people pet names or nicknames fairly quickly, That or I like to call people "kid" even when they are a couple of years older. I never mean any of it with disrespect, whether or not they choose to see it that way is another story.
36. Whenever I go antiquing in Virginia, store clerks think I am of Persian descent and due to my politeness and similar background to themselves, I get discounts quite often.(Only in antique stores however, my look doesn't go as smoothly in airports I'm afraid)
37. I have weird emotions when it comes to cinema. During many sad moments in cinema, I will laugh instead of cry most of the time because I find it silly or forced, however during moments of camaraderie, adventure, and some romance, I will tear up like Mary Magdalene because of reasons. With the exception of 2 Pixar movies, Toy Story 3 and Up had me in pure depression.
38. Speaking of movies, when it comes to animated films, I am usually more engrossed by art direction and techniques than I am with the plot itself, where after the film I will passionately ramble on about art direction more than plot.
39. Despite being unbelievably clumsy, and I am not exaggerating it, I have never broken a bone! (Hope I never do). It's like I am elastic, however, I am not flexible at all, so I can't really explain it.
40. My favorite ice cream type is chocolate chips, however, I am not a sweet tooth at all, so I don't indulge on confectionery treats often.
41. That said, my comfort food is actually salty, ever since I was a toddler my favorite comfort food has been olives, and they still are to this day.
42. My first word was "Buttons"
43. I have an incredibly difficult time showing empathy to people who claim to suffer from cyber-bullying, I humbly admit, not getting how that is a problem, people have tried to cyber bully me but I see it as so pathetic I feel bad for the bully instead of the victim. I believe since I was adept with using humor, out smarting bullies with my randomness I never saw them as an issue. (I stopped being violent from 3rd grade onward, but even if they tried to fight me I found them to be stupid and was in no way ever affected, not bragging, I simply have a hard time empathizing with this, especially in a virtual space; Yes, I am working on it.)
44. I have never seen Breaking Bad, and for the time being don't have the slightest interest to do so either.
45. I never learned to ride a bike, no one ever took the time to teach me. So the saying, "it's like riding a bike" eludes me.
46. I never thought girls were "icky" as a kid, just whiny and annoying; yet I thought many of them were also very pretty and told them such, when I thought they looked nice.
47. My Myer-Briggs personality type is ENFP.
48. I loved science as a kid, and from seeing it in TV shows I was always psyched about taking Chemistry and doing labs, by the time I got to High school, I found that Chemistry was my absolute worst subject, I fell in love with History instead as science had betrayed me. lol
49. People in my office debate whether I am more sociopath or psychopath because of my odd theatrical ways in which I react to things as well as my sense of humor. They submitted me to an anonymous test and I came out as 50% Sociopath and 50% Psychopath, that means they cancel each other out and I'm normal... Right?
50. I have the tendency to change my accent mid-sentence when I am excited or wish to make emphasis towards a point I am making. Many people like me to read things aloud or narrate because of this, where as others find it annoying.
51. My dream is to have my own web-comic or be an animator for a big studio or my own studio, and I genuinely love other people's creative styles which is why I started MS Paint Monday. Also as far as web comics go, I recommend you check out JL8 by Yale Stewart it is glorious and sweet.
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See I'm normal :D |
And that's that! I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about me, despite these being odd little experiences more than facts to be honest but whatever. Til my next nonsense.
Much Love,
Much Love,
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