Monday, July 6, 2015

MS Paint Mondays 01

Good day you beautiful people and welcome to a weekly segment I like to call MS Paint Mondays!!

Now, I'll bet you are asking yourself, "MS Paint Mondays, well what in tarnation is that?" (props if you actually use "tarnation" in your day to day life) Well dear reader, I'll tell you what it is, MS Paint Mondays, as the name may imply, are a way to make the start of the work week more colorful and it will also give you something to enjoy on an otherwise uneventful or ridiculously stressful workday. Here's how it goes, every Monday at some point throughout your day, make it a point to doodle something; seeing as most of us use computers in our day to day and may not have time to craft masterpieces, MS Paint is the most accessible outlet for this, hence the name.

--Points to keep in mind--

* Despite what you may think to yourself, everyone can draw, so grab that mouse and invoke your inner style!

* Use this as a break from the day, as a break from the trivialities of life. Just have fun with it.
* That said, this is YOU time, do not talk whilst MS Paint Monday-ing, as you are keeping clutter in your head whilst doing so, and clutter + conversation  are not a good mix when it comes to drawing, it kills the flow and freezes your mind. so BE FOCUSED on your doodle and allow time to lose yourself in the same.

* DO NOT be overly critical of your work, believe me, this will become a generator of stress instead of a reliever should you focus on perfection. Contrary to popular belief, being overly critical doesn't help you draw better, instead your subconscious will never let you finish and cause havoc on your art. So tell that inner critic to shush for a while.

*  Lastly, have fun with it, and if possible create and keep a folder to store all of your drawings in! Part of the fun is seeing how your style grows over the weeks as you just doodle to have fun with it!

So with that said, here's my very first MS Paint Monday, "Lame Goat" (both because he has a wounded leg and because it looks silly), as you can see I am by no means a pro, but I had fun with this and my Mondays now have an enjoyable spice to them. 

I hope this helps you ease that weekly case of the Mondays and inspires you to start creating new things, and really help expand the creative construct that is your brain! I encourage you to share/send me your own MS Paint Monday creations, if I get enough I plan to do an MS Paint showcase at the end of every week so we can enjoy each other's styles and imaginations.

Much Love, Wachi

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