What's good in the hood readers? I had to work this weekend so I am pretty dead right now, but as Freddie Mercury once sang "The show must go on!" With that said, please take off your coat and stay, as we welcome another MS PAINT MONDAAAYYYYY!
--Thoughts of the day--
Today I ran into a colleague I had back when I first started here at HP (where I currently work) and she got mad at me for not saying hello, even though she'd seen me like 6 times previously without so much as a friendly gesture, which really goes to show that you can't always expect people to act first or how you'd want them to, sometimes you got to bring it out of them.
* With the above thought I'd like to reflect on what do we/I expect out of life, This is an interesting question as like with the reconnecting I mentioned above, sometimes we need to act for things to happen, whereas other times we need to wait and let them come.
* Life isn't a story set in stone, I like to imagine we all have a purpose yes, but I think our purpose is like a video game boss, you need to beat the boss to win the level (in this case life) but who's to say you can't go for the high score, and complete your purpose early on, and have a new one opened up for you?
* Living life with the thought of multiple purposes, not only makes it exciting, but worth living, now with that said I am also a stern believer in the saying of "Work to live don't live to work" that is to say once we complete a goal or purpose, we should learn to ENJOY IT, society teaches us that when we reach a new step we should work towards the next, but by doing that we don't enjoy the journey, we just grow to hate the ladder.
* Simplicity of thought and living is also key, enjoy what you have, and don't feel like you need to keep going for more right off the bat. Trust me, stress will be less common in your life if you keep it simple.
As always, I hope this exercise helps you ease that weekly case of the Mondays and inspires you to start creating new things, and really help expand the creative construct that is your brain! I encourage you to share/send me your own MS Paint Monday creations, if I get enough I plan to do an MS Paint showcase at the end of every week so we can enjoy each other's styles and imaginations.
Much Love, Wachi
With friendship and simplicity on the brain, I bring you this week's paint, and my fourth attempt at the program! I like to call it "How to make a friend; With Octopus N' Squid" basically a play on the word "make" as their friend is simply an ink formation, but no matter how simple a friend may seem, you'd be surprised by the joy they can bring! :D
Much Love, Wachi
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