Monday, February 29, 2016

MS Paint Mondays 34

Gotta read em' all, bloggermon! Good day my readers, and I hope you are all having a wonderful start to your week on this fine leap year of a 29th! Now this day may only come once every 4 years, but Mondays of the MS Paint variety are 4ever! (see what I did there?)

--Thoughts of the day--

* Today we start the first week after Pokemon's 20th anniversary, where the gen 7 games were finally announced which got my childhood self all kinds of hyped. That along with Pokken tournament coming in 3 weeks.

* I am amazed on how big this phenomena grew to become, to think the idea of monsters in ones pocket would end up appealing to millions world wide, that's quite the task. Not to mention they keep adding more pokemon, I don't even understand half of the newer ones.

* This truly goes to show that one should be proud of what they create, even though a sequel wasn't originally planned, game freak worked to make the best game that they could for this originally planned "one-off". 


With that I give you this week's MS Paint, "Pokemanz, How The Adventure Really Went" which was a short comic I made back in the day, parodying the TV Anime adaptation of the series. It was ridiculous, full of attitude and overall random to the point of nonsense, yet people enjoyed it,so fr the anniversary I wanted to add a contribution of the same. Also that sun and moon hype train is already leaving the station and I don't want to miss it.

As always, I hope this exercise helps you ease that weekly case of the Mondays and inspires you to start creating new things, and really help expand the creative construct that is your brain! I encourage you to share/send me your own MS Paint Monday creations, if I get enough I plan to do an MS Paint showcase at the end of every week so we can enjoy each other's styles and imaginations.

Much Love, Wachi

Monday, February 22, 2016

MS Paint Mondays 32 (and 33)

Viva my readers! Viva my readers!! Vivaa Vivaaaa MAH READERS!!! So sorry for missing last MS Paint Monday readers but I was off on a family vacation to Las Vegas (I may blog about that trip later), and despite the novelties, the wifi accessibility left a lot to be desired, however fret not for this week will be a double MS Paint Monday or a Mon-dos if you will (since it's 2 in Spanish).

--Thoughts of the day--

* As I am sure you have noticed in my past few MS Paint Mondays, I have been drawing a lot of "fan-art" of already existing characters whether it be people I know, creations of friends, or those in popular media, however when one wishes to break down creative barriers one should exercise their own imagination.

* That is to say create original characters, maybe you have an image in your head or maybe just a name or title for a character or piece, well work with that, as that is how a lot of new intellectual properties and mascots are created.

* With that in mind however, don't make it perfect on the first go, otherwise you will never finish it, trust me on this, instead let lose make it simple, fun, and maybe a little crappy and finish it! After which you will have a foundation to further build upon this new idea or character, and that will make perfecting them a heck of a lot easier than trying to get it right from the very first moment.

So with that out of the way I give you my first original character idea paint, "Mosquito Fairy Princess" now I know it's not much of a fairy princess, what with a hook instead of a wand, and nothing too princess-y about him, but you know, why stick to the name, maybe the juxtaposition between name and actual character can become an entertaining trope, who knows.....?

That thought brings us to this second paint that came from an idea for a name I had, which just happens to be this paints title, the "Sea Cow Saboteur" which similar to the Mosquito Fairy Princess paint, this character is not a sea cow at all, but a walrus. I don't know, I had fun with both of these characters but I am not sure if I will continue on these ideas, still I encourage you all to try creating simple yet original ideas for your own creative progression!!

As always, I hope this exercise helps you ease that weekly case of the Mondays and inspires you to start creating new things, and really help expand the creative construct that is your brain! I encourage you to share/send me your own MS Paint Monday creations, if I get enough I plan to do an MS Paint showcase at the end of every week so we can enjoy each other's styles and imaginations.

Much Love, Wachi

Monday, February 8, 2016

MS Paint Mondays 31

Hey Readers!! Hope you are well!! Soooo, just like last week I've really been getting back into anime, though let's be honest I can't draw it very well haha, even so let's start this week like the start of an explosive anime episode, where an ominous announcer screams out "MS PAINT MONDAYSSS!!!" Yes? YES!!

--Thoughts of the day--

* So like a continuation of last week's post I have gotten back into my love for anime, and found myself pondering the designs and styles; aside from the crazy hair and abnormally big eyes I mean. I mean most anime's make a game of "spot the protagonist" waaaay too easy on us.

* But aside from that I love seeing how many artist's represent alien lifeforms, creatures or even other cultures, seriously it shows how free they are with their art, even when they are being careful with it.

* One thing I have to greatly applaud is also the imagination of places and scenery, no offense to the western creators since they have pretty awesome set pieces from time to time, but anime has a weird way of making something known completely fresh and interesting. But relax I'm not transforming into a lvl 70 Otaku prince, simply taking a brief moment to enjoy the artistic side of the eastern anime is all.

All that said, here is today's MS Paint, regarding characters with interesting designs a colleague of mine suggested I draw Majin Buu and Jynx (original, not purple version) in my style so I did, and not to toot my own horn, but I feel this is a much better endeavor tan my attempt at Cell and Frieza way back in the early MS Paint Mondays lol. In the end, Jynx as well as an older character like Cyborg 008 of Cyborg 009 fame were both conceived as cultural representations that the west dubbed as racist, so it's interesting to see how designs changed based on other's receptions and misconceptions.

As always, I hope this exercise helps you ease that weekly case of the Mondays and inspires you to start creating new things, and really help expand the creative construct that is your brain! I encourage you to share/send me your own MS Paint Monday creations, if I get enough I plan to do an MS Paint showcase at the end of every week so we can enjoy each other's styles and imaginations.

Much Love, Wachi

Monday, February 1, 2016

Sleepy "Monologues" #2

Good Evening again my dear readers!! *Maniacal laughter ensues* huh? Oh no this isn't meant to be spooky, I was just practicing my old-timey cartoon villain laughter... for unrelated reasons... Anyways my long distance girlfriend, Katie. and I reached the dreaded nighttime fork in the road, yet again, where we find ourselves having to choose between going to sleep or pushing forward in our drowsy dispositions and continue hanging out because we love each other's company, and as is typical of us, we again chose the latter, birthing a new chapter in "Sleepy Monologues";

Topic of the Evening
Children: Past, Imaginary Present, and in the Twisted Future

The discussion was birthed as any other, by rambling about our past experiences. This evening my girl was mentioning her past with her ass of an ex and his child, and how she eventually took custody for him for a temporary time ( I won't go into any further details), however this moment of reminiscence sparked the conversation of children whom we have taken care of and why we may or may not want children in our future;

Luis (Me): "Yeah, you basically have already had a son if that's the case, I don't know what I would do if my child and I found out."

Katie: "Yeah it's hard to think about... wait your child? If you already had a secret kid with someone else, I'd break up with you!!" 

Luis: "Whoa hey now, it's not what you think, he's just with me, but he isn't mine we are only together because of circumstance..."

Katie: "Lol, what are you even saying, it doesn't matter, I'd still be mad."

Luis: "No, no, listen, me and Lil' Hans Jorgen--(interrupted)"

Katie: "What's with that name??"

Luis: "He's German Babe!!"

Katie: "I don't care what he is, I don't get what you are talking about..."

Luis: "Listen, what if this kid I was with, this little Hans Jorgen, was given to me because his parents were gone. Let's say his dad died in the war, and his mom was in that show, 90 day Fiance, and she brought her son with her, now the 90 days were almost up and it didn't seem like she'd get to marry her sweetheart and there for was forced to leave the country accidentally leaving her child behind!!! "

Katie: "I don't care! Why would that put him in your responsibility anyway, the mom should have been more responsible! I don't want to talk about this anymore..."

Luis: "No, Babe, Listen, he was in a terrible accident and he wouldn't get out of the hospital until his mom already left!"

Katie: "So? Why do you have to take care of this baby? I don't get it. Just put him up for adoption, there are plenty of families who would want him."

Luis: "Babe he's got a family, and besides who said he was a defenseless baby??"

Katie: "Well how old is he then? I mean that shouldn't be the issue anyways."

Luis: "17..."

Katie: "WHAT!? Then he's old enough to move out and find his own way, or even go back to Germany!!! Sheesh Babe!"

Luis: "You didn't let me finish, 17 months old..."

Katie: "What? So he is a Baby, then he's not a Baby... ugh... I don't want to deal with him haha."

Luis: "Well, to be honest there's a special reason why I can't just abandon Lil Hans Jorgen..."

Katie: "Babe yes you can, he is not your kid, send him back to his mother in Germany."

Luis: "I wish I could but you see, the reason he is with me is because of the terrible accident I mentioned before. On the last day of 90 day Fiance where his mother was forcibly being taken away by the authorities, Lil 6 year old--(Interrupted)"

Katie: "He's 6 now?"

Luis: "Lol let me finish, it'll all make sense, anyhow lil' 6 year old Hans Jorgen, rushed away from his mother's side when he heard an ice cream truck approaching, the hypnotizing tune from the truck attracts many a people, myself included. Well one of the speeding truck's tires exploded (must've been some rocky road lololol; I didn't say this at the time but I should have.) and the truck flipped over the crowd of people and hit me into Lil Hans Jorgen, sending us both to the emergency room. Seeing as he had no documentation or closeby residents his care was thrust upon me. Little did I know he had fractured his agedula (totally real organ btw) which causes him to wake up each day a different age!!"

Katie: "What are you talking about? I was just upset at the possibility of you having kept a kid secret from me, now you are just being weird!!"

Luis: "No, no see, since he wakes up a different age everyday we can't put him up for adoption as we don't know what he will be! A toddler, and elder, a teen!!! I mean he could wake up and be 95 years old tomorrow!"

Katie: "Ok then he can work and learn to do things since he will be like 14 the next day no? Just get him to learn skills that he can use during the days that he is older... This is so stupid, why doesn't he just go home..? Where did this even take place, this is all very irresponsible."

Luis: "Umm Iceland..?"

Katie: "You don't even know what you are talking about, the point is this man child would be a great burden on our relationship, now I'm not saying I wouldn't take care of a kid if he had no one else in this world, you know that, but he does, his mother should be responsible and come back for him, or at least get the authorities involved to send him back."

Luis: "Babe, dont you get it? Little Hans Jorgen is a metaphor for the budding relationship! Think about it, he is found in Iceland, which is like any potential partner, deceptive from the start as a cold unknown, but once you get to know them, you find out they are warmer than the other potential Greenland mates which are just putting on a facade. The ice cream truck accident is like that shock factor every relationship goes into, maybe it's the first 'I love you' or the first 'Kiss'; regardless of the cause positive or negative relationships have impactful moments, and just like Hans' bruised agedula, one's partner's mood may also fluctuate depending on the impact of said possible events."

Katie: "What are you even talking about?? You are just making more and more excuses and making me seem like a mean person, just go to sleep hahaha. Also I'm done with this, don't mention that kid again."

We kept going on about old annoyances and inside jokes for a while, as well as a mini hate speech towards the Miracle Fold by my girlfriend (I'll get into that another day) until we eventually fell asleep.

Seriously this girl is so acceptable of my weirdness, how could it not be love?

So with that said and done I will again leave you all with your undoubtedly puzzled minds haha! If you liked this nonsense let me know and I will keep making more like this, if you don't well, meh I'll probably still continue to make more, and if you have any of your own sleepy time gibberish, I would love to hear it.

Much Love,

MS Paint Mondays 30

♪ You are fighting readers! Bla bla bla bla blabla blablah!! FIGTHING READERS!!! ♫ *Ahem* excuse me, honestly aside from "Believe it!" that's all I have allowed myself to know of Naruto... which I now realize you don't care about that, you are undoubtedly wishing there was an extra day in the weekend, I get it, which is why I say, open up your MS Paint Mondays no jutsu and let's start the week off right!

--Thoughts of the day--

* So as the intro may have alluded to, I have finally broken down and begun reading the Naruto Manga, despite being anti-Naruto simply for my complete distaste for the main character and his never ending quest for his emo boy-toy Sasuke.

* All throughout high school I had Naruto fans attack me for my love for One Piece, however I honestly enjoyed playing along in the debates because of how immature it all was, whilst still being part of the time old  "Pirates VS Ninja" format.

* Basically I noticed that Naruto had ended and thought meh, I was so against it back in the day I may have missed out on a hidden gem, plus the author, Kishimoto, always seems like such a cool guy, and he has this fun friendly rivalry going on with Oda (One Piece's author). That said, if the creators can be friends, why must I be an "enemy" of one?

* In the end the point is this, 2 franchises that are rivaling each other can both be enjoyed by a single individual, and I don't know why so many of us refuse to do this. Why is it always DC vs Marvel, Star Wars vs Star Trek, Left legs vs Right legs?? Lol the point is, it's alright to love both, because they may each have points the other doesn't that you might enjoy; and let's be honest, you aren't doing anyone a favor by warring with the opposing rivalry when you could be using that time to watch and enjoy the rival content.

* Creativity can be vastly different in even the most similar of guises, take the time to find your own preferred gems in life. (and if you must enjoy the occasional heated debate, keeps things interesting, just don't let it overtake you.)

Now with everything said and done I give you this week's MS Paint, "Panda Man´s Greatest Moment", now this is poking fun at what I just said as for those who don't know, Panda Man is a gag character created by Oda as a sort of "Where's Waldo" type character who appears in One Piece from time to time. By having this seemingly un-important character poised to kill the 2 main protagonists of the Naruto series, I am both accepting the series as important by having them take center stage, but keeping my biased favoritism for One Piece hidden in the background, ready to attack, should someone have something they want to say lol.

As always, I hope this exercise helps you ease that weekly case of the Mondays and inspires you to start creating new things, and really help expand the creative construct that is your brain! I encourage you to share/send me your own MS Paint Monday creations, if I get enough I plan to do an MS Paint showcase at the end of every week so we can enjoy each other's styles and imaginations.

Much Love, Wachi