Monday, March 13, 2017

When's Mahvel?

I know it's on all your minds, don't even try to tell me it isn't... it probably isn't though... *ahem* I am of course talking about Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, and the fact that it was announced 3 months ago and we have yet to hear any more information regarding the same, and I know Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 was just re-released and I loved that but I am ready to see more of infinite.So before I continue to endlessly ramble and fanboy let's get down to what we know so far;

What we know;

First, and arguably most importantly, the confirmed roster so far remains the initial 6 presented during the Play Station Experience/Capcom Cup which are Megaman, X, Ryu, and Morrigan on the Capcom side and Captain Marvel, Iron Man, and Captain America on the Marvel side.

As is immediately obvious and as I made mention to in my original post, the tag system will be a more intimate 2v2 a la Tatsunoko vs Capcom instead of the series' staple 3v3. This new change to the system was quoted to be "more elegant and simplified without losing it's complex and hardcore nature" by Marvel's Executive Producer, Mike Jones. (personally I am excited for this more fluid partnership between the characters, compared to requiring an assist to be viable.)

They are bringing back Marvel Superheroes Infinity Stone system!!! 2017 is the year of nostalgia mah readers!!

We are apparently getting an actual cinematic story mode, something that Marvel 3 promised but failed to deliver on, and seeing this prospect returning with more certainty from both Marvel and Capcom's sides, I am very excited at the possibility. I am a crossover nut, MvC being my all time fave.

There have been ramblings about where initially we thought that like UMvC3, the Marvel character pool would be created to be in part, marketing for their upcoming films, therefore we should have expected an influx of Avengers over X-men. However, recent rumors and news blogs seem to say that Marvel has creative freedom and is not tied to the MCU, if that is true, I am very excited to see the absurdity that could be the diverse character pool from both ends.

Last but not least, though not tied to this game directly, it is worthy to note, that Capcom will most likely use this game as a springboard to re-introduce ome of their older IPs and characters, so that they may reboot a lot of "dead"series, which an entirely seperate exciting possibility that I am all for!

But as excitingly vague as all that sounds, that's all we know "for sure", ignoring all the fake new year's leak mumbo jumbo... and that begs the question...

Is Mahvel going the Injustice route?

So if you follow fighting games at all, I am sure you have heard of a little known game called Injustice 2, basically Netherealms DC fighter that had a very popular first go around, and it's second installment looks to be doing things bigger and better. That said, the development of injustice 2 was very hush hush for many months after it's reveal, and now, in the last 2 months before its releasewe are getting almost weekly updates, trailers, and character reveals, so much so that the internet blows up about it every week. Now this is a good business tactic because it gets the hype on a continous level until release, HOWEVER, in the early months a lot of fans of the series felt sluggish, and concerned about all the silence. It's as they say, outta sight, outta mind.... It's a tough balancing act, no doubt.

Now, that begs the question, should MvCI go down this same marketing tactic? Should they hold off on any new updates or reveals until a few months before launch? Do you think they should sprinkle some early updates now to keep the game on people's radar and then do a big blowout of information at the end of the year? Maybe ignore character reveals and just release longer gameplay videos or a beta with just the 6 characters they have featured? I mean their twitter is dead too, there is silence on this game, and I personally need more haha. What do you think?

Perhaps, they just want us to play the re-release of UMvC3 and be quiet about MVCI until they are good and ready to show everything, so until they are, I guess all we can do is continue to ask "When's Mahvel Babeh?"

Maybe Capcom will manage to continue bringing back Shuma Gorath, for all I know Mahvel is the only reason he is still fresh in the community haha. Anyhow, are you all looking forward to Mahvel? Are you more patient than I am? Do you even like fighting games? Feel free to let me know your thoughts!

Much Love,

♪Gonna take you for a ride, ta na na na; Gonna take for a ride ta na na na na ta♫

MS Paint Mondays 59

Whazzat? An MS Paint Monday actually on a Monday for once? I know readers I must be crazy! But seriously work has been kicking my butt and leaving me mentally exhausted, but I wanted to get this out for you all today, so let me just get to it, and let's MS PAINT MONDAY!!!

--Thoughts of the day--

* First and foremost, my absolutely beautiful girlfriend is finally coming to visit me after so long, her flight arrives tomorrow and I am beyond excited, and I will try not to gush over it TOO much but just expect a lot about this in the coming posts (if I post often enough to stay relevant anyhow lol)

* Second, today my dear cousin, basically younger brother Victor turns 18 today, that said he is now a MAN, and I can't call him kid anymore which kind of rustles my jimmies since now I feel older by compariosn, ah, how time changes.

* Third, thank God it is spring break in the USA, my education accounts which were flooding my e-mail inbox with issues are now gone... for the week, but that is still very glorious, as always you gotta appreciate the little things! 

Now, I can't complain, I am pretty jovial today and that feeling is loosly transalted into today's paint titled "Happy Birthday Chama", now in case you aren't aware Chama is a Venezuelan slang term for lady or girl, and it was a very good friend of mine's birthday a while back and she was raised in that side of the world, therefore the nickname, she loves cats (just like my GF and Cousin) and "Where The Wild Things Are", so with that I just wanted to add to the celebratory atmosphere I have built in my aura or whatever today.

As always, I hope this exercise helps you ease that weekly case of the Mondays and inspires you to start creating new things, and really help expand the creative construct that is your brain! I encourage you to share/send me your own MS Paint Monday creations, if I get enough I plan to do an MS Paint showcase at the end of every week so we can enjoy each other's styles and imaginations.

Much Love, Wachi

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

MS Paint Monday 58

Sorry I'm late readers but I'm here! I AM HERE!!! I know it's Wed, and I said I'd try to be more conscistent with this, but I just got a new account assigned to me at work this week, and free time has been ridiculously scarce for me, regardless let's get on with that mid-week MS PAINT MONDAY!!!

--Thoughts of the day--

* So I guess first and foremost, I should say happy international woman's day to my female readers, I have great respect for women, being raised by a single mother, I got to witness first hand how strong and nurturing women can be, but also how difficult such a life can be. I honestly think it is sick how society and hollywood glamorizes and parades single mothers.

* Listnen, if that is your situation, I am not belittling you, just from my own experience a lot of that extra stress caused a strain between me and my mother for 7 years. I thank God above that I was able to finally reconnect with her 2 years ago, and our relationship has never been healthier. But I don't wish single motherhood on anyone, it is a harsh life, and I am beyond blessed I was able to have as much as I did growing up.

* Now, don't take this as me attacking women and defending men either, look I know those old school "I don't need no man" propagandas only created a further division between the sexes, but seriously dudes, if you are in a commited relationship with a lady (hopefully married) and have a kid, stick around for that child, raise them right, be a family, don't let the government raise our kids (heck looking at the overly offended society who believes they are entitled to everything these days is a clear example of how lacking we are in the strong family unit department.

* Anyhow, I am overworked, and I am going off topic. Women, God knows I love ya and have the utmost respect for you all, where would mankind be without your nuture, strength, resilience, and love? Have a blessed week <3

With all that said, here is a completely unrelated doodle aptly named "Citrus Cat"as a symbol of how acidic this work has been with the piling of extra work on my plate, even so, I urge you not to let an extended workload turn you into a SOUR PUSS *ZING* my dear readers, because it is as they say, the blessing always comes after the harshest part of the storm. That said keep being creatibve no matter what your situation is like!

As always, I hope this exercise helps you ease that weekly case of the Mondays and inspires you to start creating new things, and really help expand the creative construct that is your brain! I encourage you to share/send me your own MS Paint Monday creations, if I get enough I plan to do an MS Paint showcase at the end of every week so we can enjoy each other's styles and imaginations.

Much Love, Wachi

Friday, March 3, 2017

MS Paint Mondays 57

What's good 2017 readers (if any of you stuck around the 3 months of complete silence that is lol)  I have returned to do MS Paint Mondays!! (because to be honest I haven't stopped doing them, just posting them, and for that I am sorry.) So despite it not even being Monday, let's get ready to welcome this week's  MS PAINT MONDAY!!!

--Thoughts of the day--

* So first and for most, my apologies for being completely inactive for so long, I have just had way too much on my plate this new year that has broken my focus on hobbies like this blog completely.

* That said as I mentioned in my introduction, this doesn't mean I haven't been doing weekly paints since then, I have made a plethora of them, so I thought why not start to post them? You see reasers, as I have mentioned in past posts I am often very critical of my drawings, but that is why I made this challenge for myself in the first place, you see how else can I get my art out in the world, it may not be GOOD but at least it is out there.

* This is something that I can stand behind, whatever your craft, if you are the only audience to your gift(s) then it will always be bad, but when you put it out there on a consistent basis, you will find someone who can appreciate your unique flavor, and therefore in order to encourage you all as well as myself, I will start to publish my art daily if possible. (But I'll still keep the title as MS Paint Mondays since it clicks so well with my nonsense subtext, that and well I'm lazy :D)

With all that said and done, I give you the second attempt at drawing my original anti-hero squad of lame-o's the Losa Brigade in the uniquely named piece "Losa Brigade Color". Now I am aware my character design still needs work, but this is my way of owning my new revelation when it comes to art, just put it out there, if you can't perfect it the first time who cares, just throw it out there, you'll find your style and technique speeding up the mroe often you do these things.

As always, I hope this exercise helps you ease that weekly case of the Mondays and inspires you to start creating new things, and really help expand the creative construct that is your brain! I encourage you to share/send me your own MS Paint Monday creations, if I get enough I plan to do an MS Paint showcase at the end of every week so we can enjoy each other's styles and imaginations. 

Much Love, Wachi