MS Paint Monday is back again for another week, what you can't wait for Monday? Y need to MS Paint erryday?? Whoa why don't you learn to be patient, I mean Monday is the only day that begins with "M" it wouldn't be as catchy on multiple days... (Unless Readers decide to send me their paints for Fan Fridays to be a thing) Any whom......
--Thoughts of the day--
* Have you ever felt impatience? I hate this feeling as I am normally a very patient person, however, I am also a very excitable person so for some things my patience may not be able to overcome my excitement bringing upon this feeling of "I want this NOW"!!
* Sometimes I stay awake to a certain time for something that doesn't end up happening, making me feel frustrated, or I order a package on a specific day, in order to time the perfect delivery only for it to be delayed, or when someone tells me that they can do something for me better than I could myself, but take forever to prove it making me wish I had just done it myself...
* Again, I detest this feeling, and therefore I also despise having to make others wait, I always try to be punctual even when it isn't necessary and I try to bring something extra should I not have a valid excuse to make someone wait, because if I hate that frustration, I can't imagine how it makes others feel.
So this paint, unsurprisingly, depicts impatience at its worst, simply titled "Where the fack is my HDD!?" (HDD meaning hard-drive for those who may not know.) Anyhow, this was inspired by a colleague of my uncle who guaranteed he could get me a hard drive I wanted twice as fast as I could, as I could get it in 5-6 days I was thinking he meant a 3 day turn around, the thing is he had it sent to his parents, and he got in a fight with them so it actually took him over a month to get it to me, which infuriated me beyond what a human should become infuriated when it comes to a simple external drive, but it goes to show you, one shouldn't create false expectations, nor should one let petty personal issues affect agreements made, of course there are always special exceptions, but you understand my point. Lastly, don't let yourself create grandeur out of nothing at all, (this is not the same as living life with the expectation of something exciting each day just so we are clear) as this could cause you to become a grump towards someone else, with no real grounds for it, and nobody likes a grump.
As always, I hope this exercise helps you ease that weekly case of the Mondays and inspires you to start creating new things, and really help expand the creative construct that is your brain! I encourage you to share/send me your own MS Paint Monday creations, if I get enough I plan to do an MS Paint showcase at the end of every week so we can enjoy each other's styles and imaginations.
Much Love, Wachi
* Sometimes I stay awake to a certain time for something that doesn't end up happening, making me feel frustrated, or I order a package on a specific day, in order to time the perfect delivery only for it to be delayed, or when someone tells me that they can do something for me better than I could myself, but take forever to prove it making me wish I had just done it myself...
* Again, I detest this feeling, and therefore I also despise having to make others wait, I always try to be punctual even when it isn't necessary and I try to bring something extra should I not have a valid excuse to make someone wait, because if I hate that frustration, I can't imagine how it makes others feel.
So this paint, unsurprisingly, depicts impatience at its worst, simply titled "Where the fack is my HDD!?" (HDD meaning hard-drive for those who may not know.) Anyhow, this was inspired by a colleague of my uncle who guaranteed he could get me a hard drive I wanted twice as fast as I could, as I could get it in 5-6 days I was thinking he meant a 3 day turn around, the thing is he had it sent to his parents, and he got in a fight with them so it actually took him over a month to get it to me, which infuriated me beyond what a human should become infuriated when it comes to a simple external drive, but it goes to show you, one shouldn't create false expectations, nor should one let petty personal issues affect agreements made, of course there are always special exceptions, but you understand my point. Lastly, don't let yourself create grandeur out of nothing at all, (this is not the same as living life with the expectation of something exciting each day just so we are clear) as this could cause you to become a grump towards someone else, with no real grounds for it, and nobody likes a grump.
Much Love, Wachi
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